Exotic/rare Systems

i dont havethem but i know a person with a Nintendo Game 16 and a white saturn.
i've got a ngpc, but i suppose thats not too rare. i have a Newton MP2000, got for $20 :)
got a game gear as well, rare only because not many people have them still, but they're cheap to find.
I have nothing :(
I've never owned an unusual or exotic system other than my GP32, mainly because I'm broke all the time.
Planning on getting a CD32 sometime soon tho, i want something that i can play Pirates! Gold on my TV with ^_^.
I owned a Game.com exotic and shite would explain it. First handheld to have 2 cartridge ports and a touch screen!
Jarska333 posted on Feb 23 2005 at 03:55 PM said:

Lit GB. Not modded or anything, apparently little of these were made, not a commercial succes...

"How Rare!"
Sweet, got any pictures of it running? Is it front lit or backlit?
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markusdragon posted on Feb 16 2005 at 10:45 AM said:
Planning on getting a CD32 sometime soon tho, i want something that i can play Pirates! Gold on my TV with ^_^.

As for Pirates! Gold.... You might want to consider getting a Mega Drive :)

Seriously... I have a CD32 and was somewhat dissapointed about Pirates! Gold. I might be comparing it with the emulated Mega Drive game, but the CD32 version does seem to be lacking in several areas... Which is stupid actually, since its the bigger machine.

Its all small things like not being able to see the crew's mood on the sailing map, colours not showing if you're winning or losing in sword duels, the fact that walking around in cities (this is actually cool on Mega Drive) is very slow paced AND the fact that savegames takes up almost all of the CD32 (very limited) storage, that make the CD32 version somewhat dissapointing. The Mega Drive version have all of these thing pretty much perfected.

As you can understand I feel let down on this version... although it is a little prettier.

After having said that... Get the a CD32! Still a wonderfull way to experience "normal" Amiga games without the "computer" feel. I'm having a blast playing Ruff 'n' Tumble, Turrican 2, Robocod, Superfrog, Project X and Stardust... It's class ;)
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mr twit posted on Feb 26 2005 at 12:34 AM said:
Jarska333 posted on Feb 23 2005 at 03:55 PM said:

Lit GB. Not modded or anything, apparently little of these were made, not a commercial succes...

"How Rare!"
Sweet, got any pictures of it running? Is it front lit or backlit?

Someone is selling one on finnish auction site:

What? Don't understand finnish? :P
He says it's backlit, released after mid-nineties only in Japan, didn't sell too well, was never released in west. In silver and in gold... About the size of GB Pocket.

Here's a site in english, with a nice picture.

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I used to have one of those - I guess I must've sold it though as I can't remember what happened to it!

I haven't a good thing said about Buy Rite though so I'd be a little wary.
got me one of these, hear their quite rare
I don't know if anything I own is that rare...

ZX Spectrum, 48k, rubber keys including an interface for Sinclair joysticks and rom cartridges. I don't know what happened to the microdrive unfortunately.

Game Gear still in decent condition, with TV Tuner and Master Gear Converter. Ah how I remember playing Ax Battler. ^^