.exe Vs Fxe


Still Fresh
Dec 28, 2005
is it possible to program a exe file on a the gp32 fxe becuase if it can i have some amazing ideas that will make it tons of money.
Yes sure you just rename the .exe to .fxe

I also have another leet hack for you, if you get a original gameboy and write XBOX on it, it will be able to play XBOX games. No joke this is real - I come from a family of l33t hax0rs and they all say this is true.

Edit: On a serious note, ports need sourcecode. What you can do is take a look at a program on a PC, and attempt to program your own version right from the ground up keeping into the reigns of your particular platform (aka GP2X).

Anyway, I call troll.
If you were thinking of putting DOOM 3 on it, I already beat you to that idea and no I am not going to share my tons of money with you from selling it. :P

Oh yeah and I have dibs on Halo and Half life 2 also so don't try to go behind my back.

EDIT: Oh thanks Hans! I will upload Halo for you guys tomorrow, Doom 3 is taking for ever to get the name to change, do I need to put it italics?
nope got der before you! got halo and trying to program doom 3 but i'm almost der.
But now im starting on a new project doom 4 and fl studio 5.
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Hanz™ posted on Dec 31 2005 at 09:02 PM said:
nope got der before you! got halo and trying to program doom 3 but i'm almost der.
But now im starting on a new project doom 4 and fl studio 5.
My god you are a leet hax0r you truely are.
*whispers*dude hans he still has not done halo 2, lets snag it*whispers*

*looks left and right* "Dang I think he heard us"
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nope no hox0r ere just me i just have alot of friends that are good at what da do. Der designing a new built in wireless player control so that you dont have this big think hanging of the gp32 or gp2x
Oh, sorry, didn't clarify. "LOL, the forum where people look at threads to laugh at them, here we come."
Get da exe and rename it to da fxe and den put it on da smc and da gp32 plays it wicked good. Den you get da nuffink errors or anyfink. Also get da xbox games and copy dem to your hard drives and zip dem up like dat and rename da zips to exe den fxe and put dem on yer smc and den you is done wif dat too.