Evildragon's Cebit Speech Now With English Subtitles

Fzero said:
I want this wiz game of mario war to be available on pandora

Pickle already ported it a two months ago. Packaged up as full-working PND, ready from day one :)
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Excellent news ED, respect to Pickle for the port!
I love those mario types and from just that screenshot it looks my kind of game. I've never played any Linux games other than snes and mame emu before so really looking forward to playing some of these diferent ones
Deyna said:
senorgomez said:
I don't use linux on my laptops/netbook because WinXP gives better battery life. They have the money to either get the manufacturer to optimize for them or optimize their OS for the extended battery life. I use Ubuntu at work and just ssh in all the time.Edit: They = Micro$oft
i have a Dell Inspiron 1420 with a 9 cell, 85Wh battery that i've used in dual boot with more then a few Linux distros and found that with a base install i got > 30 min more battery life then running Vista. i've now got Win7 and Slack13 on it and they seem to be on par with each other but i'm sure once i learn to optimize Slack for power-saving Linux will win out over Window$ as usual

[edit] sorry for double post

I said WinXP for a reason. There were a few stories about how Win7 upped the ante, but I don't really believe it. Needless to say Vista was a bloated piece of crap and I have never used it.

I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just saying i highly doubt what you say is a correct, and general observation in todays systems. If you on the slim off chance are right. That means anyone running Linux at home is a complete ass, and are burning of more power with the only reason to be able to say "I'm not running a Microsoft platform at home" and this would be one of the first, and major arguments against Linux today...

The difference of power used between Linux and Windows on a Desktop machine is negligible. But the difference is magnified when you are using a 6 cell LiIon battery. I am not privy to all the details. There is a good thread here on slashdot: http://hardware.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/08/25/157209

As you can tell from the thread, it all depends on the Linux environment. If you want an X server and gnome, battery will suffer.
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senorgomez said:
I said WinXP for a reason. There were a few stories about how Win7 upped the ante, but I don't really believe it. Needless to say Vista was a bloated piece of crap and I have never used it.
In case of my 1810t, Vista/Win7 is best regarding battery life. Both Ubuntu and XP lack the necessary support for certain power saving features to get the most battery life out of the device. I'm running Vista as I'm too lazy to install my Win7 upgrade, cause the device is working great right now. Vista isn't as bad as people make you believe.
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I finished part 3 at 1500, but somehow, youtube won't let me upload any more videos. I select the file, then youtube says it's uploading, but there's no status bar and my computer isn't sending data. I tried it from both my notebooks.
Weird and quite annoying.
Bosbeetle said:
I really enjoyed the talk, I could follow it in german is was very clear :) thanks ED

i didn't know germans pronounce China with a K :P

We do that in Finland as well. China is written "Kiina" in finnish and pronounced something like "key-nuh" without the h-sounds after the "k" and the "u". :)

Just so you know :D
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EvilDragon is a lier, or the translation is messed up. He early in this new part said that open source forums are more friendly then others. Com on. This forum, more friendly then others? Noobs get there head bitten of weekly.

Hey. Big thanks for the effort of translating the third part. Now, get cracking on the rest. ;- )
No, really. Thank you for your time, and effort.
Mr B said:
EvilDragon is a lier, or the translation is messed up. He early in this new part said that open source forums are more friendly then others. Com on. This forum, more friendly then others? Noobs get there head bitten of weekly.
No, the translation is quite accurate i assure you. This is a very friendly board if you are not a lazy kid that just wants to get his "OMG 50Gigabytez MAME ROMZ COLLECTION xxx_fulloftrojans.to_xxx" working and doesnt want to rtfm.
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Thanks again Fishbong, another great translation. I look forward to the rest. Please keep up the good work!

As someone very, very new to the open handheld scene, these videos are really giving me a quick tour of everything I've been missing out on for the past few years.

ED really makes some excellent points about community development too, especially in this latest video. Thanks again for taking your time and talent to help us poor non-German speakers Fishbong!
The really interesting part of the Videos starts with Video 4: the Q&A section. So you really should wait for these parts to be fully transated, I found it very infomative. :)