I got my port of Enigma into decent enough shape for a real release. The instructions are a day or two out of date, but the button mappings are all still there. I had to mangle the GUI to get below 640x480 minimum resolution so I ditched the higher resolutions and larger tiles completely. I moved the levels into zip files, using the zipios functionality of the engine. This means FAR less individual files in the release, at the expense of a few seconds delay when displaying a new level selection menu. The game is mostly playable, with average framerate in the 30-40 range, except for signficant slowdown in levels with indirect 'physics' effects like the meditation ball pits, magnets, etc. I got the minimum FPS up to about 4 (from <1) by replacing every double in the engine with floats. Now that I have this game playable I am going to spend some time polishing my fixed point library and moving it over to C++, then I will probably revisit Enigma and see how it fares with fixed point math.
