Narcissu Patch


Apr 4, 2004
OK I've finished the patch to make Narcissu playable on the GP2X. To play it, get onscripter4kr.gpe (it's bundled with the test version of the snes emulator), download narcissu from and download . extract all the files from the zip onto the same directory as the gpe file on the SD then replace the nscript.dat with the downloaded one.

I've briefly tested it and it seems to be fairly bug free (although the word wrapping could be better) but it may possible crash at a certain point in the game. I fixed a bug where you couldn't save though.
I was just searching the boards for this 'cause i remember someone mentioning it and now its here!
Thanks, i will try it out now!
Its a Virtual Novel, which usually means, yes, picture/text (and often *some* if not very much degree of choiceover what to do next). And it looks very very good on the 2x, I can say (although the menu is a bit small; had to load it up on the PC in order to read some words :(. In-game text is fine though).

Only thing I'd mention is that Start quits the game and returns to the main 2x menu. So do *not* press it in an attempt to save (unless you happen to know it saves before it quites, but I haven't checked to see if it does yet).
Just a quick note, narcissu rules, I really love the story. :)
Well worth the download. And gfx, music, etc is great.
Its a Virtual Novel, which usually means, yes, picture/text (and often *some* if not very much degree of choiceover what to do next). And it looks very very good on the 2x, I can say (although the menu is a bit small; had to load it up on the PC in order to read some words :(. In-game text is fine though).

Only thing I'd mention is that Start quits the game and returns to the main 2x menu. So do *not* press it in an attempt to save (unless you happen to know it saves before it quites, but I haven't checked to see if it does yet).

thx. i think ill get it :P
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I've a question is it possible to change the font to make it better readable on gp2x?

For example the letter "s" isn't really readable...
I too have a question....who do you save your position in the story? I see the load screen on the main menu but saving is something I haven't found out about yet.
you press X to get the menu to save during the game

*edit* When I tested the game, the text seemed fully readable (aside from the menus). The text is almost twice as big as it should be now (30pixelsx30pixels as opposed to 17x17), can't really make it any bigger without making it harder to read due to more frequent wrapping.

I can't do any more work on it now anyway as an imcomplete firmware upgrade has messed up video playback causing the game to crash
When I try to save now, the firmware screen appears and it doesn't save. Could this possibly be because I installed the new SDL library and onscripter requires something specific to the old one?