
Jan 4, 2011
A big big thank you to all who participated. Bzar was the winner locking in 1st place with a score of 80 points and taking home £121


2nd place we see FOXBLOCK

And in third, who even came 1 month late to the contest, ZIZ

I, sadly, came last. But such is life.

Muchos love to all who voted, participated or created a game :)

The games can be found on the sticky

Wars Commando - 80

Greyout - 69

Snowman - 57

Raedr - 13

Rescue - 10

Unready - 3

Robo hell - 2

Oh I just wanted to also say I had really good fun running this - if you check the help sections in the dev dept you can see me asking about BASIC pygame issues...and now I've managed to make a small game. Albeit it did lose to a terminal game but still, t'was fun. Foxblock did say another comp was running but if there isn't I may start up a new one. Maybe after I land in Toronto though (1/6/11) :)
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Congrats to the winners: Bzar (1st place), FOXBLOCK (2nd place)and ZIZ (3rd place). B)


And awesome work from richiz (thanks, mate) and all the participants.

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Hey everyone,

I am going to "out" myself and admit I was one of the slackers (with a pandora) that didn't vote. Honestly I just lost track of time. My panda still has that new car smell and I've been hard at work getting it all set up (excuses, excuses). I did manage to try all the games a couple days ago, but never made it back to vote. I know.. I suck!

Part of me really wanted to vote for all the underdogs in the contest, but in the long run I am pretty sure my 3 votes would've been for the top 3 (probably in the order that they placed).

Anyway, congratulations to all of you! I think you all did great. Keep up the good work. It is stuff like this that makes the pandora so cool. Just wanted you all to know that even though I blew it and didn't vote in time that your work is appreciated.


So when's the next competition?
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Sorry Richiz life got in the way and I failed to vote.

As yours was the only game I played I guess I would have voted for you first then Wars and then Rescue (nudity wins).

So if it was not for my wife's birthday you may well have been just that little further up the table. :P
A big big thank you to all who participated. Bzar was the winner locking in 1st place with a score of 80 points and taking home £121

2nd place we see FOXBLOCK

And in third, who even came 1 month late to the contest, ZIZ


heheh. That is nice :)

Yeah, I'm looking forward to another competition. Maybe even I'll participate, in this one, or the next one :)

What happens with the painted case, can we have photos from the new happy owner? :)
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sorry, richiz. Tried all games but yours, somehow didn't realize it existed. Will try as soon as I can.

Those platformers are really nice and have some fresh ideas. Thx to all devs.
Sorry Richiz life got in the way and I failed to vote.

As yours was the only game I played I guess I would have voted for you first then Wars and then Rescue (nudity wins).

So if it was not for my wife's birthday you may well have been just that little further up the table. :P
Haha arrrgh if you had've then I would've been 2nd last.

Sigh, missed opportunity.
Grats to all winners, and especially B-Zar ofcourse! Some great new games made here!

And i hope that i'll have more time when the next competition starts, and i can create an entry myself :)

I know my game "Rescue" didn't deserve to win, but I think it was perhaps a little under played. You're not all so afraid of a naked man, are you?

So anyway, I want to offer some $$ large cash prizes $$ for anyone who is able to complete part of the game, by rescuing some of the lady folk who are stuck down the cave.

See this page for details, scroll down: http://sam.ai.ki/rescue.html

How often do you get a free / public domain game with cash prizes? Not very often. Take advantage of my insanity.

I have managed to rescue almost all of the girls, but not all in a single game! But then again I'm not much of a gamer, the force is not strong with this one. I have not heard report than anyone else has rescued any of the girls yet. Most people seem to get stuck at an early stage, and give up. My three year old son can play it better than those people! Please read the hints on my webpage.

The cash prize pool for my proposed "rescue" competition is $300 AUD ($315 US / £193), plus a mystery prize of great value if you can achieve the impossible and rescue all ten girls. Some of the prizes are very easy to take out, any child could do it. The game is pretty damn hard, but someone should be able to take out the first 3 or 4 prizes at least. If anyone cheats, and I notice, the competition is off.

If still no one rescues any girls, even with this cash incentive, I will cry myself to sleep every night for a month, quit developing lousy games for the Pandora, and shift over to the playstation or iPhone or something! nah not really... but I will be pissed off and embittered inside!
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