Emulators Speed Up Hack

Well, a testing tool to automatically find out the perfect settings for your unit would be great.

Similar to the ATI Overclock utility on the PC... go up until it becomes unstable.
The tool could write the highest approved settings into a log-file. When it crashes, simply look up the log and you know what maximum you can use :)
@nik166: no ... the cpu-dividers only touch the speed of the cpus ... not the ram or systembus.
So... you can run the ram at 133mhz and the cpus at 33mhz .... or in theory you could set the fclk to 1500mhz, the cpu-divs to 5 and the ram-div to 6 to get overclocked cpus @ 300mhz and not a overclocked RAM and systembus @ 125mhz ... but i don't think the fclk reaches this frequency ;)

The maximal setting for all dividers is 8 ... (16 for the ram if you count the 2er divider from D- to B-clock)
hmm that's good, giving some freedom between the ram and the CPU, lead to some great optimizations, using less CPU un more ram-dependent soft, and vice-versa, i see minutes of battery gained with intelligent presets :)

all we need is a good benchmark to make quick tests :D
what's a little bit surprising is the fact, that i released the version with ram-tuning options 3 months ago ... and now the people discover this option O_o
well peoples just didn't bother to try strange ram settings, now people try craig settings because they are ready to be copied/pasted :D

it would be nice for example to have a test that works for the set settings, unlike the ant test that tries plenty frequencies one by one .. :D

(i tunned somc PCs but i have no clue what's the "LOAD MODE REGISTER command cycle time" etc , nor how much you can try to push them, depending of what other parametres etc , just how many peoples know that here? :D )
god_at_hell posted on Oct 1 2006 at 02:29 PM said:
what's a little bit surprising is the fact, that i released the version with ram-tuning options 3 months ago ... and now the people discover this option O_o

Well, I used it since then... we're currently betatesting an upcoming emulator and I sent Fatih (turkish distributor) my script so that it ran faster.
Neither he nor craig knew about that option. I always said: RAM-Tuning is underestimated.

I use it since months to have a fully playable FF6 with sound at 266MHz on my gp2x ;)
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Quite funny, first ED uses my RAM Settings in his SNES Pack, then Craig uses them, too. :lol: Looks like they are as nice as I said some months ago :P Its quite interesting what a famous Topic Starter can affect. My Post was almost ignored...
All i get is a black screen. Here is what my GPU looks like


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe --upll --timing 1 --cpuclk 266 --trc 6 --tras 4 --twr 1 --tmrd 1 --trfc 1 --trp 2 --trcd 2
cd /mnt/sd/Games/SNES/

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Yes cpu_speed.gpe is in root of SD or /mnt/sd and squidgenes.gpe is where it is pointed to. 2.0 FW
reiboul posted on Oct 1 2006 at 01:41 PM said:
how do I show FPS in quake?
Create a script to start quake like this './quake.gpe +cl_showfps 1', or the easier way is to edit id1/autoexec.cfg and add the line 'cl_showfps 1'. To benchmark you use './quake.gpe +timedemo demo1' or 'timedemo demo1' in the autoexec, wait for the demo to finish and it will display the average fps (you can switch demo1 to demo2, demo3, or any other demos you happen to have).
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Well I decided they should be brought to everyones attention after talking about them with ed, he seems to have got some great results :)

Better late than never!
I need to try this with NeoGeo.. but my max cpu speed if 250~255 not 266 :(

Will report my result when I'll try :P
I tried those settings with 2xmark (a benchmarking utility found on gp2x archive site)
and there is no performance gain at all
I made 2 gpe files, one with only cpuspeed 280 and the others with everything and it is the same...
at least nothing gain with arithmetic...maybe better with emulation...

see you :lol:
Lupin posted on Oct 1 2006 at 03:05 PM said:
All i get is a black screen. Here is what my GPU looks like


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe --upll --timing 1 --cpuclk 266 --trc 6 --tras 4 --twr 1 --tmrd 1 --trfc 1 --trp 2 --trcd 2
cd /mnt/sd/Games/SNES/

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Yes cpu_speed.gpe is in root of SD or /mnt/sd and squidgenes.gpe is where it is pointed to. 2.0 FW

same here :(

edit nik166 (below) that fixed it, thanks nik
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Lupin posted on Oct 1 2006 at 02:05 PM said:
All i get is a black screen. Here is what my GPU looks like


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe --upll --timing 1 --cpuclk 266 --trc 6 --tras 4 --twr 1 --tmrd 1 --trfc 1 --trp 2 --trcd 2
cd /mnt/sd/Games/SNES/

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Yes cpu_speed.gpe is in root of SD or /mnt/sd and squidgenes.gpe is where it is pointed to. 2.0 FW

probably you did it with windows notepad or something similar,

i had that problem, so i tried with "programmers notepad" (freeware) and set line endings to UNIX in the tools menu, and it worked :D
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washo posted on Oct 1 2006 at 10:08 AM said:
I tried those settings with 2xmark (a benchmarking utility found on gp2x archive site)
and there is no performance gain at all
I made 2 gpe files, one with only cpuspeed 280 and the others with everything and it is the same...
at least nothing gain with arithmetic...maybe better with emulation...

see you :lol:

It's supposed to be done with CPU speed 266, not 280.
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EvilDragon posted on Oct 1 2006 at 06:48 AM said:
Well, a testing tool to automatically find out the perfect settings for your unit would be great.

Similar to the ATI Overclock utility on the PC... go up until it becomes unstable.
The tool could write the highest approved settings into a log-file. When it crashes, simply look up the log and you know what maximum you can use :)

i agree--this would be awesome so that each person could easily get the most out of their gp2x!

like people in this thread have said, the confusion around clocking has caused a lot of people to ignore or be scared of trying this sort of thing. and the process can be done by hand but how tedious, and when a computer could do the job ;)
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