Email notification when your score is beaten? Unique profile names/initials?

If you are in the top X (top 3?), and your score is beaten .. do you want to be emailed?

  • Yes, I'd like this as a default on option for my profile

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Yes, I'd like this as a default off option for my profile

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • No way, thats fricking annoying

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sort of like it, but do it later; not a priority.

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
The email-notifications thing is something I dreamt up day-zero, but then never got aroung to adding, as I figured it would be spammy and annoying; ie: you can always check the website to see the scores :)

But I could see some hyper-competitive folks wanting an email..

That said, is participation going up or down? Should effort on code like this even be considered, when widening up to include other platforms like r-pi could be a priority (with your scores being measured against only-same-platform, or at your option, including other platforms as well; compete with as large as scope as you want.)

Theres a lot of feature stuff to add, so I'm juggling priorities.


As to unique-names .. given we may add cross platform (such as PC, r-pi, GCW, etc..) -- it seems a poor idea to make profile names unique; say we have 50,000 people and 300 games .. it would make sense (and be arcadey) to allow multiple people with the same profile name, who may never bump into each other. At the same time, it could be confusing to have 5 EvilDragon EVD's in one score chart.. so it may be I need to show some magic-number after each initial, so you can know its EVD 37 or EVD 45 .. two different EVDs... thoughts?
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You could let the user select if they wanted "instant" notification, or a daily or weekly notification.
Are u all databased up now?
RL kicking my tail.

The first comment in my internal to-do is 'unsuck all the code' :) Still working on that :o

Out of the twins, one has always been a good sleeper, and the other a basket case; well, the nutty one just started sleeping the night .... so naturally, to keep cosmic balance and to prevent the Earth from crashing into the sun... the good sleeper has started freaking out all night. Got like 8 hours sleep in the last 3 nights :) Can't win :)

Hopefully August I'll get a couple weeks of sensible time, and ramp through a pile of changes. (the code is not that bad, its just not groovy like I intended it, nor databased up.)

WIP! :)

I think email support should be priority before going to other platforms.
I like the idea of email support too, but however: Excluding other platforms on purpose seem a bit selfish to me. ;)
At the moment I have a good progress in sending scores without the need of the spaghetti client (but with using libpnd for locating your profile on the pandora), so multi platform isn't a big problem at this point. Furthermore as I know the code of the spaghetti client: Porting it to another platform isn't a problem at all, too.

I think the biggest problem at the moment for real multi platform highscore hunting is, that you can't login to "your" account just with username and password - doesn't matter, whether with a web interface, compo4all manager, Tournament hub or any other program.

So you would have to copy your profile-file or to have more than one account. Both "solutions" aren't good.

However, this is my opinion. It is up to skeezix, whether he wants to be compo4all a "free for every platform"-concept or "pandora only". More people make more problems (see the discussions about security or the "5 times EVD"-problem).

To the last topic: How about colouring every username with another colour like some Instant Messangers like pidgin? Then we would have a purple, a red, a green, a blue and a dark-grey EVD. :) The colour could be randomly choosen (like the unique ID) and every using application/website (e.g. skeezix' or milky's server) could use the same colour. :D

greetings, Ziz
I believe adding the ability to download your profile file from the website is something on the WIP list (or very nearly). Still seems a bit clunky to me, but I guess games could automatically download your file given the right authentication at run time.