E-ink Screen

A full holodeck projector? Interesting. A portable holodeck; you need a stable environment to project to, as you can not see the real environment once the projection has started. (leave it on the ground and someone will steal the pyra)

However, an embedded tricorder would be nice, less ambitious and heavy too.
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Have the holodeck disguise the pyra as an animal dropping. Once the potential thief comes to nab the pyra laying about they are enveloped in the virtual reality and see the pyra as a large poop. Who would steal a poop? I know I wouldn't. Or have it make it seem as if it was a large gang of ninjas. Built in security system.
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I mostly just want an E-Ink back of lid so I can put neat pictures on it, but this would fall out of favor of me if the E-ink screen weren't flush with the case and borderless.
I know there was that e ink hybrid awhile back. Pixel Qi or something like that. It was used on netbooks and gave them absurd battery life. Snow balls chance in hell of seeing such a thing, but I always liked the idea since I use my pandora for typing and playing music such a screen would be nice.

Sent from my Z665C using Tapatalk
Pixel Qi could be nice indeed, but they only seem to have 7" and 10" panels, and they have a relatively low RGB pixel density (1024x600 for the 7" panel).
I know there was that e ink hybrid awhile back. Pixel Qi or something like that. It was used on netbooks and gave them absurd battery life. Snow balls chance in hell of seeing such a thing, but I always liked the idea since I use my pandora for typing and playing music such a screen would be nice.

Sent from my Z665C using Tapatalk
Yes, I remember Pixel Qi. However, it is not an e-ink hybrid. It is an LCD technology that works on similar principles to e-ink.

A Pixel Qi screen would likely be more expensive than an e-ink screen, and would likely be less durable as well. And you wouldn't want to replace the main LCD with it, because the color on a normal LCD is much better than on a Pixel Qi screen.

-God Ginrai
And you wouldn't want to replace the main LCD with it, because the color on a normal LCD is much better than on a Pixel Qi screen.
According to that video, it seems that you can turn off or turn on the backlight, with the backlight it looks pretty good, I would prefer it instead of a regular screen.
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And you wouldn't want to replace the main LCD with it, because the color on a normal LCD is much better than on a Pixel Qi screen.
 According to that video, it seems that you can turn off or turn on the backlight, with the backlight it looks pretty good, I would prefer it instead of a regular screen.
I've seen one in person. It's certainly much better than anything that color e-ink and mirasol have ever offered. However, it still doesn't hold a candle compared to normal color LCD. Replacing the regular screen with this would be a bad idea for a gaming device.

-God Ginrai
And you wouldn't want to replace the main LCD with it, because the color on a normal LCD is much better than on a Pixel Qi screen.
According to that video, it seems that you can turn off or turn on the backlight, with the backlight it looks pretty good, I would prefer it instead of a regular screen.
I've seen one in person. It's certainly much better than anything that color e-ink and mirasol have ever offered. However, it still doesn't hold a candle compared to normal color LCD. Replacing the regular screen with this would be a bad idea for a gaming device.

-God Ginrai
Which one did you see? http://pixelqi.com/our_screens

The difference between the older 10" model and the newer models could be significant...
And you wouldn't want to replace the main LCD with it, because the color on a normal LCD is much better than on a Pixel Qi screen.
 According to that video, it seems that you can turn off or turn on the backlight, with the backlight it looks pretty good, I would prefer it instead of a regular screen.
I've seen one in person. It's certainly much better than anything that color e-ink and mirasol have ever offered. However, it still doesn't hold a candle compared to normal color LCD. Replacing the regular screen with this would be a bad idea for a gaming device.

-God Ginrai
 Which one did you see? http://pixelqi.com/our_screens

The difference between the older 10" model and the newer models could be significant...
I saw the one in the Notion Ink Adam. However, the color fidelity hasn't really improved between versions of the Pixel Qi screen, only the resolution.

-God Ginrai
And you wouldn't want to replace the main LCD with it, because the color on a normal LCD is much better than on a Pixel Qi screen.
According to that video, it seems that you can turn off or turn on the backlight, with the backlight it looks pretty good, I would prefer it instead of a regular screen.
I've seen one in person. It's certainly much better than anything that color e-ink and mirasol have ever offered. However, it still doesn't hold a candle compared to normal color LCD. Replacing the regular screen with this would be a bad idea for a gaming device.

-God Ginrai
Which one did you see? http://pixelqi.com/our_screens

The difference between the older 10" model and the newer models could be significant...
Pixel Qi was going like gangbusters 4 years ago, but I haven't seen much from them lately.  They really need something in the 5" screen space - so far nothing.
And you wouldn't want to replace the main LCD with it, because the color on a normal LCD is much better than on a Pixel Qi screen.
According to
Didn't they have a phone in the works? Shame about the colours on such a screen. I would have loved something like that. Granted I would have loved an external e ink screen for use as an alarm clock and music player. Even I have a feeling I'd have falling tetris blocks or another monochromatic animated thing on the back. Never ending forest from Zelda even?
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Didn't they have a phone in the works? Shame about the colours on such a screen. I would have loved something like that. Granted I would have loved an external e ink screen for use as an alarm clock and music player. Even I have a feeling I'd have falling tetris blocks or another monochromatic animated thing on the back. Never ending forest from Zelda even?
No, you're thinking about Onyx's E43 e-ink phone which is supposed to come out sometime this year.

-God Ginrai
Man, a feature like this could easily make the Pyra the "everything device."  For general tasks like web browsing, IMing, terminal usage, MP3 player, phone calls, etc etc a highly responsive screen is often just not needed (not to mention reading books).  There would be "ease of access" for this simple functionality because it would be on the outside of the device and could be interfaced with quickly by one hand you. And then imagine what the battery life of the Pyra would for these tasks with the LCD screen powered off.

I try to take the openpandora with me when I go out, but the two-handed clamshell design is just too clunky for many basic tasks (yet I wouldn't even think of sacrificing that design for actual gaming and keyboard intensive activities).  Instead I end up taking my crappy smartphone instead because the interface is so much more streamlined (and then I miss my openpandora when I want to do something more complex).  To have both all in one device would simply be amazing.

Then again, it would probably be more feasible and cheaper to instead use a special hinge on the Pyra that allows the display to rotate and close again (so the screen is facing the outside, like those laptop-tablet hybrid devices).  Include this feature and we've got the best of both worlds: a full blown computer in your pocket and the streamlined features of a smartphone.  Actually I think I'll make a thread for this...
This is a great idea. I have been using e-ink devices and they are great. I even bought an e-ink tablet which should be arriving soon. I would love for Pyra to have an e-ink screen. I would happily ditch the light emitting screen for it. Where do I pay for ED to make me an e-ink Pyra?

Alternatively, if e-ink is too awesome for the Pyra, I would be happy with RLCD, as well.

Both those improvements would improve the time the Pyra can run on a full (i.e., as full as the Pyra will charge it) battery in addition to improving the viewing experience.
Lovely but i dont see how that would fit into the case.
By utilizing all that dead space between display and case.
Magic would be an alternative but most lame people here prefer physics over magic.
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