Dungeon Master Saving


Still Fresh
May 14, 2006
Im trying to save in dungeon master for outcast
I save but when I restart the emulatror switch off my gp2xthe save is gone. :(
can anyone help?
might be that sync problem... but I am not so sure since I do not use outcast. Is it possible that the emulator doesn't sync to the sd card after terminating? Maybe you have to run it with a script that calls the sync command after the emulator exits. There should be examples of that in the wiki and somewhere on the board. If I am talking out of my ass here, please go ahead and correct me.
Ok i made a script that syncs thegp2x for saving

cd /usr/gp2x

Do you know a way that will automaticly run the script when exiting the emulator?
it should work like this: you call the emulator before the sync command in the script. Then after the emulator exits, the script should go on and process the next lines which should then sync. I believe this should do... I am not an expert on bash scripting but I believe they work similar to .bat scripts in dos except more advanced...

EDIT: Btw: You do not need the first line of your script as it should be a comment which is indicated by the #... this only tells the system to use the standard shell (the /bin/sh one) and I think it is not needed to succeed, only for the completeness of the code.
on a semi-related note:
Does Duke3D save?
It doesn't automatically after each stage (ie the first one to the Red Light District). Is there a way to save it because there is a Load thing in the menu, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Duke nukem 3d does save all you need to do is pause the game and select save
I tried this script:

cd /usr/gp2x

Bit it still doesnt seem to work <_<