

Certified Guru
Aug 23, 2005
I've noticed it compiles out-of-the-box in OE (despite the mumblings about old kernel that I keep hearing), so here are the ipks in case anyone wants to try anything:


the modules seem to load and /dev/dsplink appears, test programs in /usr/share/ti/dsplink/ seem to work. Not sure what memory map is set there, I think the tests run directly from DSP's RAM/cache.
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This is great notaz, thanks for doing that .. might be time to dust off the ol' DSP compiler ..
And does it already work on the Pandora? Or better, does it already "automaticly" speed up something or must every programm first adjusted to the DSP?
It does not automatically speed stuff up. It must be excplicitly used in the code.
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I tried! Seriously. It returned so many errors. I spent 20 minutes fixing them before I had to stop and couldn't muster the will to go back and finish. That you just got it to work right out of the box makes me angry for reasons I do not fully comprehend. :wacko:

Don't know when I'll have a chance to try this though, not entirely sure what it will do. As far as I know, the only thing currently built to use DSP at all is Flash (the change log says it detects if DSP is available and uses it if it can), but can't tell if it needs anything extra (codecs, configurations, etc...) or if it will just work.
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nice and for those wondering how to install or use these files just do sudo opkg install /pathtofileone /you get it its easy to insall as you can just type in sudo opkg install drag file one onto terminal press space drag file 2 press space etc..should some apps see the speed boost already like video apps or music apps?

edit i think it works? mplayer is able to play flac with my main core at 125 mhz with no issue or slow downs slight choppiness every once awhile

edit ahh no choppiness when playing with rocketbox with the other gui
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The Nokia N900 has a custom official version of VLC that uses the DSP. I wonder if it could be compiled for Pandora.

Hold on, some googling has suggested that N900 uses DSP-Task and not DSP-Link that we're using....
Licensing? Don't you already have the right to use the chip, since it's in the Pandora?
It's about the codecs, not the hardware.

yeah, but surely VLC already can decode those using it's own or other free software, thus it'd be interesting to see what parts of VLC were dsp accelerated. It could just be the deblocking or colour space transformations which are similar in concept between say MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 video, thus reusable.
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