

La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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I'm not asking for them or anything before anyone gets pissy. I was just curious how the code is got for them in the first place. Is it nabbed from some company(I doubt this). Or is it released by the company. Or(this is the one I think is right btw) does somone have a cart reader and puts the code on their computer? :huh:
i think you have a card reader and copy the contents of the cart onto your HD, but you dont get the code or anything.
I used to have a card reader thingy for n64 cartridges but i sold it seeing as my pc cud barely run the games when put thru an emulator so i just stuck em back in my n64 instead, now theres a pointless little story!!!
There are plenty of dodgy sites that used to (some still do) sell a piece of hardware where you simply put the game cartridge in the top, and a floppy disk in the front, and it copied the cartridge to the floppy disk. You could then put the machine onto the original games console, along with the floppy disk and play the games without the cartridge. Worked well until the N64 came along, at which point the copying hardware gained a pc connection (to copy the cartridges) and cd-rom drive (to play them without the original cartridges). Needless to say, any carts that had additional hardware didn't work when copied.
are floppy disks not 1. something megabytes? how does a rom fit on that? or can you get bigger floppy disks?
finty101 posted on Apr 21 2004 at 08:35 PM said:
are floppy disks not 1. something megabytes? how does a rom fit on that? or can you get bigger floppy disks?
He said before n64, so nes, sms, snes etc roms, which are smaller.
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Squidge posted on Apr 21 2004 at 07:48 PM said:
There are plenty of dodgy sites that used to (some still do) sell a piece of hardware where you simply put the game cartridge in the top, and a floppy disk in the front, and it copied the cartridge to the floppy disk. You could then put the machine onto the original games console, along with the floppy disk and play the games without the cartridge.
Well that wud be quite good to have, although i prefer owning real copies, especially when it comes to my old skool games!
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My buddy had one for SNES, it was awesome, his dad got it in asia for $500 (this was many many many years ago...) and it used floppy disks to back up the games, which meant some took two, three and four disks. You could also use it to play games using the floppies, although you would have to update your "copy" with the new version which included the VRAM eachtime you wanted to stop playing and keep your save.

It was great, he got it for the rent / copy / return of SNES games. (tsk tsk tsk)

At that time I had never heard of emulation, I had no idea about creating roms, and neither did they. I dont think there were any emulators that actually played SNES games at that time...
Ernest posted on Apr 22 2004 at 10:34 AM said:
Are these still available to buy or have they long since been gone?
Most are not manufactured anymore, only ones for newer systems or things like GB/GBC/GBA are still "available" And even those have disapeared from many known sites like Lik-Sang.
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Ernest posted on Apr 22 2004 at 11:04 AM said:
Do you reckon it wud be possible to find them on ebay, as im at skool at the mo and the sites blocked!!! :(
Not that hard to tunnel throught blocks like that. :)

You MAY be able to find them on ebay, most of them were "illegal" however, and only able to purchase on the black market. Ebay tends to not allow things that are illegal or could possibly be illegal. Although many do slip though the cracks.
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Akuma no Houkon posted on Apr 22 2004 at 11:12 AM said:
Not that hard to tunnel throught blocks like that. :)
how do i get through the blocks?
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Ive tried evrything i can think off to get through that. It seems more or less impossible to me( im sure it is possible i just dont know how ). wht would u try akuma? Is it possible to gt kazaa bittorrent or irc workin, thats what i really want.