Ds Lite Vs Dingoo


Still Fresh
Oct 11, 2009
Hey! Hi!

Because of monetary lack for a Pandora, I'm actually pondering about buying one of these two consoles... Yeah I know that they are different in every sense, but I am asking your opinions in order to build a more complete view of the choices... I have been introduced to computer games/consoles pretty late (c.a.2001) so I'm not particularly interested in very old emulation (if not just for curiosity, but for that there will be a Pandora one day...) but still I'd love some PSX & GBA emulation...
But still I am tempted by the DS number of games, but afraid of their quality... I'm still more interested in the DPad then in touch technology, but there could be few good games using those screens I am not aware of...
Just to make you understand what I am into, I will just freely blubbering what I am a fan of :-P.
isometric pixel art; Gta Chinatown wars for DS; RTS; Crash Bandicoot III; Warcraft, Pokemon Gold... Mmmh... Tactics Ogre... Gta II... And so on!

I don't wanna sound pretending or so, I'd just like to hear your opinions about what to choose and why :)

As always, Thanks in Advance (like a Game Boy)
Giepi said:
Hey! Hi!

Because of monetary lack for a Pandora, I'm actually pondering about buying one of these two consoles... Yeah I know that they are different in every sense, but I am asking your opinions in order to build a more complete view of the choices... I have been introduced to computer games/consoles pretty late (c.a.2001) so I'm not particularly interested in very old emulation (if not just for curiosity, but for that there will be a Pandora one day...) but still I'd love some PSX & GBA emulation...
But still I am tempted by the DS number of games, but afraid of their quality... I'm still more interested in the DPad then in touch technology, but there could be few good games using those screens I am not aware of...
Just to make you understand what I am into, I will just freely blubbering what I am a fan of :-P.
isometric pixel art; Gta Chinatown wars for DS; RTS; Crash Bandicoot III; Warcraft, Pokemon Gold... Mmmh... Tactics Ogre... Gta II... And so on!

I don't wanna sound pretending or so, I'd just like to hear your opinions about what to choose and why :)

As always, Thanks in Advance (like a Game Boy)
TBH neither of them are very well suited for what you want it for. GBA/GBC emulation on the dingoo is great thanks to gpsp/gnuboy (respectively), but PSX emulation isn't really at a playable stage yet (& i dunno if it ever will be). Emulation on the DS sucks pretty hard imo, as does playing gba games because there is no scaling, but you have access to current gen commercial games. There are many many solid DS games (both commercial & homebrew) & however if you were to get a DS a flashcart is a must. You might want to look into a wiz if you want psx emulation in a similar form factor to the dingoo; The oled screen is great too, and it has a touchscreen (that goes largely unused however).

I will say though from experience that for the price the Dingoo is an unbeatable machine. It's everything I wanted the gba micro to be and more. The form factor is perfect imo, it runs so many systems well & it's a great mp3 player / video player (especially since it includes the video-out cable). The battery life is truly unbelievable, and the screen is crisp & bright as well (playing the GBC Zelda games on it was a real treat). I can almost guarantee that you won't regret getting a dingoo if you decide to. Even if you're not into the older consoles, the dingoo is a good machine to start getting into them with. Genesis emulation is great since there is a picodrive port & SNES is really good too. Having all the old sonics in your pocket is amazing.

Anyways, hope that was of some help, keep us posted =]
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Firstly I'd like to thank you for your reply (and apologize for my late one). After that I'd like to say that I think I have made a chain of thought similar to yours...
Point is that I'm stuck weighing between a console with many original games (which I think I could find some good ones from) and a console that is perfect for emulating old games, but whose main function would be overshadowed the day I could afford a full fledged Pandora... (Yet I think the form factor of the Dingoo would be better for emulatin GBA and GBA than big Pandora). The key point would be understanding if the game lot of DS would overshadows the possibilities of the Dingoo... But I am starting to think this is not a possible paragon...
Giepi said:
Firstly I'd like to thank you for your reply (and apologize for my late one). After that I'd like to say that I think I have made a chain of thought similar to yours...
Point is that I'm stuck weighing between a console with many original games (which I think I could find some good ones from) and a console that is perfect for emulating old games, but whose main function would be overshadowed the day I could afford a full fledged Pandora... (Yet I think the form factor of the Dingoo would be better for emulatin GBA and GBA than big Pandora). The key point would be understanding if the game lot of DS would overshadows the possibilities of the Dingoo... But I am starting to think this is not a possible paragon...
Have you considered a Sony PSP, I use one to play GBA, SNES, SEGA MEGA DRIVE games, they all work perfectly, have a look here http://www.emuwiki.com/index.php?title=Emulation_on_PSP
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I have both, and would go with a DS-Lite. Not, I might add, a DSi or DSi XL.

My DS has an aging R4 cart permanently installed, with a EZ-FlashV 3-in-1 in the GBA slot. With this combination I can play DS games, GBA games and GB/GBC games all from the one cart, and all perfectly with no emulation issues (well, the GB/GBC is via Lameboy but that's the only emulator on there). Homebrew is pretty awesome too - I just picked up Knytt Stories DS and have been loving that over the past few days...

The Dingoo is nice, but the emulators aren't as good as using the real thing, especially where GBA is concerned.

Red Baron said:
Have you considered a Sony PSP, I use one to play GBA, SNES, SEGA MEGA DRIVE games, they all work perfectly, have a look here http://www.emuwiki.com/index.php?title=Emulation_on_PSP
I am sure that PSP is powerfull enough for gba but it costs a lot and lacks original games as the DS does, and for that price I'd rather go for an open source console

Dunny said:
I have both, and would go with a DS-Lite. Not, I might add, a DSi or DSi XL.

My DS has an aging R4 cart permanently installed, with a EZ-FlashV 3-in-1 in the GBA slot. With this combination I can play DS games, GBA games and GB/GBC games all from the one cart, and all perfectly with no emulation issues (well, the GB/GBC is via Lameboy but that's the only emulator on there). Homebrew is pretty awesome too - I just picked up Knytt Stories DS and have been loving that over the past few days...

The Dingoo is nice, but the emulators aren't as good as using the real thing, especially where GBA is concerned.

May I ask why wouldn't go for a DSi in its 2 various forms? Given, of course, that I too feel that way...
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Giepi said:
Dunny said:
I have both, and would go with a DS-Lite. Not, I might add, a DSi or DSi XL.

My DS has an aging R4 cart permanently installed, with a EZ-FlashV 3-in-1 in the GBA slot. With this combination I can play DS games, GBA games and GB/GBC games all from the one cart, and all perfectly with no emulation issues (well, the GB/GBC is via Lameboy but that's the only emulator on there). Homebrew is pretty awesome too - I just picked up Knytt Stories DS and have been loving that over the past few days...

The Dingoo is nice, but the emulators aren't as good as using the real thing, especially where GBA is concerned.

May I ask why wouldn't go for a DSi in its 2 various forms? Given, of course, that I too feel that way...

The DSi is no doubt a very nice system - but there's not a great deal in there for the gamer. The screens are larger, yes, but the resolution remains the same at 256x192. There's an SD slot, but that can't be used to run homebrew. So you, like the DS, have to use a flashcart. That's not such a problem until you come to GBA games. The DSi and DSi XL have no GBA slot, so you won't be able to insert GBA games and play them, nor will you be able to insert any RAM expansion (it's doubtful that any DSL software will be able to recognise the extra memory in the DSi, so you'll need to buy - for example - the Opera Browser package all over again). None of the extra hardware addons such as the guitar grip or the arkanoid paddle can be used. And of course, you'll not be able to run the 3-in-1 which enables you to store GBA roms on your slot 1 card and play them.

The complete lack of GBA support is what bugs me, and prevents me from upgrading from the DSL.

Oh yes, one other thing - can anyone name any DSi specific games that are worth the upgrade?

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I have a DSLite as well and didn't even think of getting the DSI. I have a flash cart with a 8 gig microsdhc in it and lots of games. I don't really play it for the emulators, they tend to be slow, but I do have some old nintendo and gb/gbc/gba games on it.
Well the only thing it could interest me is the sub woofer they claim to have added, I wonder if it change at all the experience...
So are you suggesting a good choice would be DS Lite with an old stile cartridge?
Giepi said:
Well the only thing it could interest me is the sub woofer they claim to have added, I wonder if it change at all the experience...
So are you suggesting a good choice would be DS Lite with an old stile cartridge?

That would be up to you. If you're not interested in homebrew, GB/GBC/GBA and only like to run DS titles then go for a DSi or DSi XL. But I personally wouldn't touch those systems with your bargepole.

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Dunny said:
Giepi said:
Well the only thing it could interest me is the sub woofer they claim to have added, I wonder if it change at all the experience...
So are you suggesting a good choice would be DS Lite with an old stile cartridge?

That would be up to you. If you're not interested in homebrew, GB/GBC/GBA and only like to run DS titles then go for a DSi or DSi XL. But I personally wouldn't touch those systems with your bargepole.

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The Joker said:
Dunny said:
Giepi said:
Well the only thing it could interest me is the sub woofer they claim to have added, I wonder if it change at all the experience...
So are you suggesting a good choice would be DS Lite with an old stile cartridge?

That would be up to you. If you're not interested in homebrew, GB/GBC/GBA and only like to run DS titles then go for a DSi or DSi XL. But I personally wouldn't touch those systems with your bargepole.


For reasons you wouldn't understand.

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Dunny said:
The Joker said:
Dunny said:
Giepi said:
Well the only thing it could interest me is the sub woofer they claim to have added, I wonder if it change at all the experience...
So are you suggesting a good choice would be DS Lite with an old stile cartridge?

That would be up to you. If you're not interested in homebrew, GB/GBC/GBA and only like to run DS titles then go for a DSi or DSi XL. But I personally wouldn't touch those systems with your bargepole.


For reasons you wouldn't understand.

Try me
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Giepi said:
Firstly I'd like to thank you for your reply (and apologize for my late one). After that I'd like to say that I think I have made a chain of thought similar to yours...
Point is that I'm stuck weighing between a console with many original games (which I think I could find some good ones from) and a console that is perfect for emulating old games, but whose main function would be overshadowed the day I could afford a full fledged Pandora... (Yet I think the form factor of the Dingoo would be better for emulatin GBA and GBA than big Pandora). The key point would be understanding if the game lot of DS would overshadows the possibilities of the Dingoo... But I am starting to think this is not a possible paragon...
The DS sucks for emus because the screen resolution is too low.

Thw Wiz is also another choice with a better contrast no ghosting OLED screen compared with the Dingoo plus better Genesis emulation and MAME and SNES that look nicer. Plus it accepts bigger 32 gb SD cards.
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The Joker said:
Dunny said:
The Joker said:
Dunny said:
Giepi said:
Well the only thing it could interest me is the sub woofer they claim to have added, I wonder if it change at all the experience...
So are you suggesting a good choice would be DS Lite with an old stile cartridge?

That would be up to you. If you're not interested in homebrew, GB/GBC/GBA and only like to run DS titles then go for a DSi or DSi XL. But I personally wouldn't touch those systems with your bargepole.


For reasons you wouldn't understand.

Try me

Not until you've read this thread from start to finish.

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