Drill2x *final*


Active Member
Feb 16, 2006
beersleep have done a new version of this realy good game.

What's new:
-Volume control using Vol+/-
-New better GFX.

Dirll2x is a port of the gpl game Miss Driller but with large improvements in gfx and fun!


You can download it here
Can someone upload it to the archive?
Thank you for the news, but as I have no clue what 'drill2X' is could you at least copy/paste the general description, MAYBE even a screenshot?

I notice that on a lot of newsposts I just have no clue what program or game they are talking about, so usually I just skip it.
i believe Drill2x is an open source clone of Mr.Driller, its fun, give it a whirl
Allright this is what I mean:

"Drill2x is an open source clone of Mr.Driller.
Mr. Driller puts the player in the role of a driller moving down through screens of blocks, having to keep his air supply from running out while avoiding being squashed by falling blocks.



P.S. This is not a screenshot from the GP2X (might as well look exactly the same, I dunno) but it gives a good idea on what kind of game it is :)

If I would have seen this in the first posts, I would have downloaded it right away :)

So please include in-game screenshot and small description of gameplay, that would really help this great site get better!
why not just try it yourself? im not saying a screenshot wuoldnt be nice, but id just test it out anyways (cause a screenshot cant display gameplay, or how it actually looks/plays)
ditto, but if your curious, it never hurts to try, either way, great game, ty
Nice Game. :) Simple but funny. And there is a little bit of Tetris inside I think :lol:
Maybe the Game could look even better when the dark background would scroll slower than the playfield - a little Parallax-Scrolling- effect. (Why? Well ,I just love Parallax-Scrolling! :P )