Dreamcast Emu For The Gp32?

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Militaire Madness Junkie
Aug 7, 2003
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From http://www.ninjahacker.net/

The infamous DC emu has finally been ported to the xbox! the team behind the port reports that it will play all of the following:
-Smash DC
-Utopia Boot Disk
-Dan Potter's Stars demo
-Doom (50% speed)
-and Crazy Taxi (main menu only atm...)

This is truly an amazing development!! The team that made the xbox port also has plans to port chankast to other systems including, the PS2, the GamePark 32, and even the Dreamcast itself!!
DaveC posted on Jul 17 2004 at 03:07 AM said:
No, of course it is not possible, don't be stupid <_<
I didn´t said it was possible just that they plan to it

This is truly an amazing development!! The team that made the xbox port also has plans to port chankast to other systems including, the PS2, the GamePark 32, and even the Dreamcast itself!!

C´mon guys read the message I did NOT say it´s possible or not. I did NOT post a request to port this to the GP32 READ THE MESSAGE AT http://www.ninjahacker.net/
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diablo2 posted on Jul 17 2004 at 03:31 AM said:
every1 there says its a joke
how can you even think that
chanka needs like a 2+ ghz setup

buts its just so imposible
I was just going to post that :(

Damm i must look like a n00b right now :huh:



I think i´m going to spend some more time in a chest far away from the internet and forum nobody seems to understand me B)
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Forget about the Dreamcast on the Gp32. I'm more curious why the hell anyone would make a Dreamcast emu for Dreamcast.
Dolfhin posted on Jul 17 2004 at 02:05 AM said:
and even the Dreamcast itself!!
Sounds like a joke as well.. Why would you need a Dreamcast Emu on a Dreamcast...

Even read the Top News Post -

Just kidding, this is just a fake news post to test out the template so i'm gonna have to ramble on here for a while about some random subject having no meaning or purpose whatsoever or in any way contributing to this site and it's contents... test test... testing 123... blah blah blah blah blah, dieregurad this post because it is false and ... aww fuck it, if you are still reading this post at this point, you should be shot... no seriously, you should be dragged out into the street and shot in public. you must be insanely bored... the intent of this page was to look pretty and not to contain usefull information regarding doau's release date. it's just a sample title, maybe someday i will actually have thr good fortune of posting doau's release date in the news, but not today.
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Max posted on Jul 17 2004 at 09:29 AM said:
Pretty lame joke. I'd puke if I'd see a DC emulator on the Xbox or any other system.

By the way, you can't emulate a Dreamcast on a GP32 at any decent speed, it's simply not possible...
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Call me an old Dreamcast maniac... it would hurt a LOT to see Dreamcast games emulated on the Xbox. It's kinda holy to me, and there wouldn't be ANY reason to buy a Dreamcast on eBay for 30 Euros if the Warez kiddies could play every game pirated on "their" super-duper Xbox. Yack.
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