Dragonball/z/gt Game?


Still Fresh
Jan 24, 2004
Whatever happened to dragopnballGP? with some speciall moves an stuff the game may hav bn excellent? also collision detection? Are any others in the works or opensource? The snes ones can be quite slow even on opensenes9xgp.
Which of the SNES titles have you tried? I can understand Hyper Dimension being slow (due to the SA-1 chip), but the older ones should at least be playable.
ty its super butouden 1
helluva slow
makes it kinda half playable coz its worse 2 type in combos due to lagg
if you want fighting, you can download some Dragon Ballz characters for KOF 91
but then theres no cool moves specific to the series
there was a pretty cool game made on mudgen
i don't no if it was open sorce or where u can download it
but if ne1 wants to look its worth a shot
it looks like it would run well on gp32
You could get dragon power for the nes if you're looking for a dragonball game with an awful translation, and that's not a fighter. Its kinda fun I think...