Lemmingball Z 2d Source


Apr 4, 2009
For those of you who have no idea what Lemmingball z is, clicky clicky:

Good News:

I have gotten my hands on the source code for lemmingball z, a lemming-based dragonball z game for windows and linux.

Bad News:

It is programmed on opengl 1.2, and it is a very very early version of it. Gravity is missing, as is the whole melee fighting system, but all the animations and energy attacks are finished, as well as the destructible environments. Gravity is non-existant and there are only 2 characters, one is playable and one is CPU.

I do however, have the expressed permission from the owner to edit and use the engine as I see fit to port it to the Wiz, or even use it for any other projects.

Now, I'm not a coder, at all in fact. I just happened to know a guy who knew the owner. If anyone is willing, though, I can make menus and other graphics. I also have the source code, but I'm only giving it to those who are willing to work on it, as its not really supposed to be made public.

Is anyone interested?
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it's far more easy to do a game like that from scratch using SDL or OpenGL ES if it's not even complete... I don't think the engine is such a mirabulous thing..
It was a nice game anyway, very fun to play in two, less interesting versus cpu
it's far more easy to do a game like that from scratch using SDL or OpenGL ES if it's not even complete... I don't think the engine is such a mirabulous thing..
It was a nice game anyway, very fun to play in two, less interesting versus cpu
Well, doesn't matter much now anyways, the mods kept deleting my topics and not letting me post them, and in the midst of which I reformatted, and lost the source code...
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it's far more easy to do a game like that from scratch using SDL or OpenGL ES if it's not even complete... I don't think the engine is such a mirabulous thing..
It was a nice game anyway, very fun to play in two, less interesting versus cpu
Well, doesn't matter much now anyways, the mods kept deleting my topics and not letting me post them, and in the midst of which I reformatted, and lost the source code...
NO!!! say it ain't so? man, thats looked like it would consume ALOT of my time.....and that was a good thing. I love crazy DBZ games....like Bid For Power and DBZ mugen.....can you request the source code again?? lol
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...maybe he never had the sourcecode... :P
I did, and I can get it again, but whats the point if nobody wants to work on it?
You should atleast try to get it again.
I will help, But I dont know what I can do.

Im sure a lot of people would love this game.
Alright, well, the owner is in a different time zone. He was on earlier, but I think he's asleep now...

You know, if he got his hands on a wiz, I'm sure his interest would pique at developing for it....
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