Strikes me an easy scoring system - easy to understand and easy to apply would be ..
IDeal world, one scoring system: achievements. Pros -- supports multiple styles of gameplay and works across all game types; Cons: requires researcvh by people to set the achievements and balance them so all games have more or less equal value. (IDeally you want a database of 100 games, and let people pick any 10, so they can pick their preferred games. But of course, thats impossible.)
Real world, two systems:
1) Achievement system when available or for games that require it.
2) Simple high score based system, used when admins have had no time to mull things over, or for games that woudl really work this way (could throw some achievements in too.)
High score based system could fall into two ways, depending how cutthroat we'd want it.
a ) pyramid; highest score gets 100 points, next two get 80 points, next 3 get 60, next 4 get 40, al the rest get 20, and 0 for no-shows.
b ) linear; 5 blocks .. 100/80/60/40/20 (and 0 for no-show); divide up .. 20 people equals 4 per block, so top 4 get 100, next 4 80, and so on. Less cutthroat.
For edge case of <5 participants, spread; if 3, then top is 100, bottom is 20, middle is 60, for instance.
I've mulled the idea of running two games (or more) at once, so that if you just don't like one, you could do the other. IT becomes 'hard' to rate between games, or to judge fareness (if 20 peopel do gameA and 3 do gameB, is the top player for each both worth 100 points?). In the end, we're just a bunch of retro blokes anting bragging rights (liek darts at the pub), so I rather thought we woudn't make it too difficult.
Hence my proposal for scoring is..
Season == 3 months (one quarter year.)
Game == 2 weeks (thus 6 games per season.)
At season conclusion, lowest league-score for a game is tossed : your best 5 league scores are kept and tallied.
Leaderboard to be updated after each game and at end of season to show the real endgame victors.
Christph.Krn -- pretty interesting ideas there; I hadn't really thought about it (or thought about going down the road of using a bellcurve or standard devbiation based scoring so we can just make it easy and predictable), but pretty interesgting rolling cycle there. Would need a calendar to track it

Oh, I misread in my hurry -- fully agreed on the game rule bit, that was what I was intending exactly; while game1 is ongoing, admins (or players if we just cooopt everyone, .. takes the surprise out of it, but maybe thats totally ok given the size of player base) -- figuring out game2. I was thinking of just admin/mods doing that to keep it a surprise, but you might be right to just use the whole pile of people.
I was rather figuring to do thigns the same way I always do -- simple first, to see if theres catch, then build up; do you think going with a simple approach like above for a couple months to see if its likable and doable _at all_, while discussing 'season 2's approach?
I have noticed that most leagues seem to have fizzled; theres a few successful ones by determined folks, but yeah. Gamers are fickle .. I coudl see peopel doing it once, twice, then just not bothering. Or maybe, if we keep it fun and peopel trash talk each other or whatever, maybe it'd work? Maybe people would discuss strategy or victories and keep it fun? Or maybe people would just like to see a few gmaes trhey woudln't normally try?
For season one game one, I'd actually been thinking of ..
choice A: SNES - Super Ghouls n Ghosts
choice B: MAME - Moon Cresta
(or perhaps choice B: MAME - Willow, to also be a similar style of gameplay. Or, to keep it awesome for first tow games, choice B: TG16 - RType (pt 1))
Game set 2 coudl be discussed, but I thought about picking that first set so we could discuss the approach, etc.
Or maybe we shoudl let it drop, dunno
Just a quirky idea I had