Do you smoke? <Revisited>

Do you smoke?

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Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Lately, due to extreme amounts of stress I've been smoking 1 packet of cigarettes a week, which is heaps more than I usually smoke...So, I was just wondering whether or not people around here smoke cigarettes or cigars.

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I value my health and my wallet too much to smoke :)

Plus the crud that gets in to tech from smoking... Bad News.
i stopped smoking years ago; stopped when i've reached about 2 packages A DAY :o
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Nope, never have. The stench on those that do has always been enough for me to avoid that shit like the plague.

A cold beer and a joint on the other hand... ;)
I smoke a package every two days but I am planning on smoking less in the near future.
never have - wasn't one of the cool kids xD

no serously I'm totally cool but I don't smoke xD

never had a reason. F with your health for nothing? the smell? wasting money? social admission? LOL and it doesn't even get you high! ; p


but hey I still eat candy and lollipops and shit ; )
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It is pretty addictive - don't ever start.

Just quit again 6 days ago and switched to e-cigs. Joyetech Ego-c type with extended 1300 mAh battery. Lasts all day. Currently vaping Peleon "1981" and assorted fruit flavors. At least this way there's no tar and carcinogens.
Cigarettes? I was on and off over the years... Never smoked more than 4 a day. Haven't touched them in months.

But I do smoke a pinch of Mary Jane in a pipe after work most evenings. :)

1 pinch = 1/8th of a small joint. I.e. very little.
I smoke very irregularly, if I'm out having a drink then I'll smoke, but it'll take me a month or two to actually go through a pack.
Yes i'm a smoker, i like a drink too. A life without pleasures is a life unlived, even if it ends up being shorter. I'd consider myself a fairly light smoker but in addition to what i normally smoke, i'm known to have Cigars on special occasions. As i smoke for pleasure i use imported tobacco which lacks all the additives usually present in commercial pouch tobacco. It's just the shredded leaves which gives a fuller flavour and works well with a little bit of green.

I have a designated room in my home for smokers so it doesnt fill my house.
I'm a collector of old items, mostly within my interests like games and their respective system. Smoke would ruin their value.
never cared for tobacco, did the whole pot thing during teenage years. nowadays.....i should get back into pot :/ but its been couple years, though there have been times where id smoke one every couple months
Personally I find it ( no offense ) dirty , rude , and smelly , as well as a drain on money . Not to mention destruction of health .

When I die I'd prefer to die of : ( in order from ehh ... ok to not a bad way to leave ) falling out of a tree ( like to climb a tree now and again ) , doing a stupid stunt in front of my friends like jumping off a building in homemade glider , protecting my country , and the best ( hey might as well go out with a bang right ?) jumping out of a tree ON TOP of a building in home made glider in a last ditch effort to save my country from nuclear war .

Not to mention all the damage it does to your electronic babies . And other people . But mostly your electronic babies .

My vices of consumption : dark chocolate ( organic fair trade prefered ) and pickled vegetables . And their pickling juices . Usually not all at once .
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