Do you do any voluntary work?


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
Just wondering if folk here do any voluntary work & if so for who/why?

I currently work most Saturdays in an Oxfam store & do as many hours as I can for the Alzheimers Society and Mind.
As far as Oxfam is concerned it's a family affair, my mother works there several days a week and by the time I turn up she has usually had her fill of manhandling all the donations (Saturday in the Cockermouth store in Cumbria.. say hello if you're passing!) the dialogue between us is supposedly amusing.. we both have quite a dry sense of humor.
Alzheimers/Mind.. simply put I've experienced them both first hand via the experiences folk in my family have had, and felt like I could be of far more use than just donating some cash (I do that too) ..I find all incredibly rewarding though & have met some unbelievable people that I'm certain I'd never have met otherwise.

Please try if you can spare a few hours a week, most charities are desperate for volunteers.
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I work two days a week at a Salvation Army thrift store. I test and tag electrical donations then price them and put them out. I also sort other donations once I finish testing and tagging.

The proceeds go directly back into the local community and it's nice to give back.
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I was a volunteer at one of the shops until earlier this year (June). I ended up doing all sorts of stuff, like till work, sorting donations, arranging customer collections/deliveries and training staff members, I even got put in charge of the shop on a few occasions. Unfortunately I can't put in the time at the moment otherwise I'd still be there.
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Hi all :)

I used to volunteer in fair trade shops, open air festivals and in a lot of non for profit organizations as a student.

Cheers, Magic Sam
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Co-organizing a free monthly session for cultivating folk music/dancing and in connection to that making all kinds of traditional tunes OpenSource by writing and publishing them in abc-code.
I've stopped counting the hours I put into this, I'd just hope we'd get more donations since the room won't be this cheap forever and of course I always hope there'd be more people interested in something like this in my area at all.
On Saturdays, I play trains in Ruddington:

More specifically, in the Signal & Telegraph department, setting-up and repairing all the points (aka switches/turnouts), signals and telephones.
To be fair, it's far too much fun to feel virtuous about, but it still counts as volunteering!
On Saturdays, I play trains in Ruddington:

More specifically, in the Signal & Telegraph department, setting-up and repairing all the points (aka switches/turnouts), signals and telephones.
To be fair, it's far too much fun to feel virtuous about, but it still counts as volunteering!

"Boys don't grow up, their toys just get bigger."
Well, I've done my share for the church (administration, finances and helping out during the mass). But now, with a kid, its not possible.
I am still a perlmonk, and chip in free consulting from time to time.