Do you smoke? <Revisited>

Do you smoke?

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Cigars but only once in awhile. A 9-15 dollar cigar will last me three months. Unless I am stressed out then it may loose an inch in 15 minutes,

My fiancée got me smoking cigars. She started on them. I can't stand cigarettes tried one once nearly puked from the dreadful aftertaste.

Interestingly enough I've found cigars help me talk easier. I have a speech impediment that is crippling at times. My throat locks up and it feels as if somebody has shoved the handle of a screwdriver into it. Really hard to get words out.

Did smoke a hookah once when visiting a friend in the cities. That was an experience. Granted it was more due to the music she listens too then what was in the hookah! However, what ever she mixed with the tobacco did help my fiancée's scoliosis. She told me what it was. I forgot now it wasn't anything illegal or concerning.

I have no issues with smoking anything other then a cigarettes however I am not out there impersonating a steam engine!
I tried vaping for a couple of months before going back to cigarettes. Mostly due to a friend accidentally knocking the vaporizer off a table which broke it, but yeah..
Might give vape another shot someday.
I've not smoked enough times to count on a single hand. Albeit you would probably sooner call it "coughing" than "smoking"...

I don't do drugs.

/me takes another drink of Coca-Cola...
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Smoking for the moment. Usually vape but yesterday I dropped my mod and the connection between the tank got bent and broken. Then used my backup mod for about an hour before the fluid started leaking out of the bottom of the tank. Expensive mistake for dropping it once. Have to buy a replacement this weekend which just sucks.
Both my parents smoked and I just didn't get it. I'm really tight with money also, I was probably the only 6 year old that could save money so when I got older I couldn't believe how much tobacco cost. I think it is insane that people smoke, it is really bad for you and it is incredibly expensive.

I can see why vaping has taken off though, it is touted as safer than tobacco, is cheaper, and tastes like candy. Still incredibly bad for you but by vaping you're being a lot more considerate to those around you.
I don't "want" to smoke. The cravings are just terrible.
I guess starting to smoke is what I meant. I now once you start it is hard to quit. When I was in Jr. High and High School I had a lot of friends that started smoking and like I said above when I found out how much it cost I was like 'heck no'. My parents constantly complaining about how much it cost and my Mom coughing kept me away from it also.

My Dad actually quit before I was born, just cold turkey, never looked back. My Mom has tried and tried to quit but no such luck. He was one of those that didn't believe in second hand smoke and today he doubts that smoking increases lung cancer. Yeah, they are from that generation, he claims he knows lots of smokers that are fine.

Anyway I hope you can stop smoking soon. Knowing my Mom and how she tried hundreds of things to help her quit with no luck. My Mom is kinda weak though, my Dad decides something and does it. I think that is the difference.
Still incredibly bad for you but by vaping you're being a lot more considerate to those around you.

How is it still incredibly bad for you? There's an issue with sweet flavoured liquids giving people popcorn lung, but most people I know who vape switched to unflavoured liquids after that scandal hit. It's also dangerous stuff to get on your hands, especially if you mix your batches yourself, but unlike tobacco, there is at least a way to use it that won't harm you if you're careful. As far as I've heard, the verdict on nicotine as a drug is that provided you're healthy, it's both good and bad for you.

I'd also have issues with you saying they're being considerate to those around them I often see people vaping that emit huge plumes of vapour that can make it hard to see where your going sometimes. And if they're smoking flavoured liquids you get smothered in second hand flavour.
I was in a bad place mentally when I was divorced. I had went cold turkey 4 years when my daughter was born but the depression and everything finally got to me. I honestly didn't want to live at that point. Smoking is nowhere near that level, but for sure if I end up quitting it'll have to be cold turkey again. Vaping for me is the same as smoking and even zero nicotine just makes it worse with cravings.

If you ever get that depressed enough as I was, then find someone to talk to. I was lucky enough that someone saw my downward spiral into depression and went above and beyond what a normal friend world do to pull me out of it.