Do You Horde Roms?

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Aug 24, 2005
As the Nintendo Revolution approaches, certain issues rose concerning the future availability of old roms (NES, Genesis, SNES, PCE, the golden oldies that we love and which may commercially re-appear on the Revolution). Some people said that Nintendo might take action against rom 'distributors', ie. close them down. Smells like the prohibition all over again ;)

My question is, do you horde roms, ie. download more than you can play? What's your stance on the future availability of older roms in general?

- Alex
SONY! That was quite sick... even for a joke! lol.

Um yes... I'm afraid I do... I like to consider myself a pirate with a conscience... And that can be backed up with how many games I do actually own. :)

Looks at socks... damn they need replacing... *blink*
Yarr, I be a pirate, yarr.

I don't horde ROMs personally. I find them and play them. If I don't like them I delete them.
Firstly the term is Preserving ;)

Secondly. The big N isn't going to do anything about old roms when they can't even stop the distributution of current systems like the GBA and DS.

I don't think Rom distribution will ever be a problem until emulation becomes fully mainstream. By that I mean a system that is widespread that can run roms straight off the net with no set up etc. Call it the ipod of emulation if you want. But until that happens roms are safe because it's only us geeky/nerdy types that can currently cope with the setup etc of emulators.

Emulation and Roms are only threatened when something becomes accessible enough for normal users to cope with. Bleem for example.

Eeek! gotta go to work cyas folks :)
Well, guess I'll have to start making a small collection too, the emulation asylum ( :P ) already removed their nintendo consoles sections.
I have a shit load of them. Most I haven't played.
I deleted about 4000 GBA roms because GBA never interested me that much.
Yeh, I'm a whore, although with me it's more of an addiction to downloading all the crap I can find. I'm trying to overcome it. I managed to last about a week before I had the urge to make several gigs of data magically appear on my hard drives. It's 12 hours since I last downloaded something and I already have the shakes.

Damn torrents, why do you torture me so.
thelamer posted on Apr 3 2006 at 07:25 AM said:
My fileserver could probally put me in jail for a while .

You shouldnt say such dumb things when your home address is there for all to see, I hope you get raided.
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p00pty2 posted on Apr 3 2006 at 02:37 PM said:
thelamer posted on Apr 3 2006 at 07:25 AM said:
My fileserver could probally put me in jail for a while .

You shouldnt say such dumb things when your home address is there for all to see, I hope you get raided.

shut the hell up cocknose
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I have more roms then I will ever play. I am a total hoarder.

Which is odd because there are only a handful that I ever play regularly. This is probably because a lot of games were derivative, or complete clones of other games.

I mean, Contra had it waxed - to me it is the ultimate platform shooter. You just run and shoot nonstop. At the end of the level there will be a boss. You will kick the boss' ass. How many Contra-type clones are there? stacks.

I've backed up all my roms onto a tape archive, and they sit on a shelf. I was shocked at how many gigs of hard drive space this freed up.
BaDToaD posted on Apr 3 2006 at 04:27 PM said:
I should shut up

yes you should.

Its simple, if you wanna tell everyone the contents of your server will get you in trouble, dont do so while your full home address and phone number are on display.

Unless your a spastic.
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