you can find 3000mahs if you look in the right places, but really, 2500mah are just the right price and power for me
Knozzimus, download the lcd cpu tweaker, once you ise it, you will kick yourself for playing drmd not at 266mhz! seriously, its smooth as anything.
BASICALLY, what i do is this, download the lcd tweak, then i put it into my sd.
Boot the gp2x, wait about a day for it to boot (haw haw haw) then i go to applications... select the cpu lcd tweaker from that menu.
A blu screen with a bunch of info comes up then.
Press the right shoulder button until the cpu clock goes to 270, then press A button to finely tune the frequency to display an exact 266mhz setting.
then press volume button - and the other setting will go to -2.
you see, when you clock the cpu at a different rate, the screens wavey lines may get worse, so the tweaker (which if upll, or fpll, fpll is best for me) should be finely tuned to -2 (on my gp2x anyway).
Any other settings make lines worse or screen brigher etc..
so adjust it to those settings! then press select button to save those setting and it will go back to the menu.
select drmd then, and you will see just how smooth everything is now, put it on fskp 0 and it will draw every frame AND the music will not skip!
I hope this helps, for more info, search the forum on lcd tweak or cpu tweak. See what settings work best for you and others
The drmdx is a port basically, and was kind of rushed, so all the options there are from like the gp32 version. Not every menu item works, but were left on there.
Heres hoping for an update of an official drmdx! Which can be skinnable
but anyway!
overclocking to 266mhz is amazing, but battery runs down considerably more. But even with my batteries they last pretty long!