Do I Have The Best Gp2x In The World.

I use a energizer one that comes with normal 2500mah energizer batteries.

They charge in like 8hours and last for like 4-5hours. Maybe mroe, cuz when i run mp3s i only clock my 2x to 100mhz to conserve even more battery...
What program are you guys using to overclock/underclock your GP2X?

Also, what have people found are the recommended min/maxes of overclocking/underclocking?

I haven't found some kind of general "FAQ" for all this knowledge, so I'm curious.
What program are you guys using to overclock/underclock your GP2X?

Also, what have people found are the recommended min/maxes of overclocking/underclocking?

I haven't found some kind of general "FAQ" for all this knowledge, so I'm curious.

There is no recommended max/min for overclocking :P If your unit cant handle something it just freezes and all you gotta do is restart your unit and it works fine.

The program is called Lcd tweaker its in the file archive
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i am using the 15 minute charger which charges each cell on its own etc etc (its uniross) has a fan and gets quite hot.
i am using the 15 minute charger which charges each cell on its own etc etc (its uniross) has a fan and gets quite hot.

Of course they are getting hot as the must absorb lots of current. Anyway 15 minutes to load NiMH is dramatically fast! I'm not sure if it couldn't harm your batteries as charging times of 1 hour are already quick.
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hum...15 minute charge time for £16? i dont believe it, it takes my brand new charger 7 hours to fully charge 4 nimh batteries, how much time in the 2x do you get after this 15 minutes charging?
I get about 6 hours at standard clock with my 2500 mAh Quantaray batteries. Charges faster than I can use em up at 2 hours.

But now my headphone jack fell inside the unit... I use it mostly as an mp3 player too... :- (
normal price for the 15 minute charger is about 40-50 on the high street and i get what i have stated, around four hours playtime so far with the version 1.01 firmware.
if you go on ebay, you can find a sprint 15 for about £30 with a set of batteries.
now THATS not bad! and i would call it a complete investment.

I personally have a uniross sprint charger, but its the pocket sized 1 hour one. It is absolutely fantastic. I got this PLUS two packs of batteries all for £22!!!

From the MDS Battery store on ebay. :)

I highly recommend it. It folds up small enough to fit in a pouch (its got an adaptor so the plug thing dont stick out on the back) and because of the adaptor, you dont have to have it in the socket, you can place it on your desk.
I mean, 1 hour next to 15 mins is a big jump. but i mean, if you were going on a trip, just stick some batteries in an hour before you go.

and yes, i am STILL using the same uniross batteries, the hour long charger doesnt like super over-use the power on the batteries, their life is just as long as any other top chargable.
I dont know why people dont recommend these! I was seriously surprised!

SO, to end this off, check out battery specialists to see what the TOP stuff is.. but like, there is only going to be an hour or so life difference between those and uniross 2500s. but the price difference is crazy! like £20 for some batteries!!
Get some uniross 2500s from mds battery store on ebay for £8. :) Happy time!
I got uniross 2300mah's AND 2500's im STILL using my uniross 2500s! I played drmd overclocked a few days ago for about an hour, then i just tried out some more homebrew games. THEN i tried out ninja turtles 2, watched half of it. Yesterday i played drmd for about an hour and a half (yes, everytime i play drmd i overclock to 266mhz) I overclock drmd coz thunderforce 4 and aladdin in much much better on fskp 0. Not to mention MOST games, when you get hit you can actually dissapear on fskp 1. So i overclock drmd all the time now. Its perfect!

I still got the same batteries going. I bet they will run down sometime soon. But i got around 3 hours of drmd overclocked and half hour of a film (only tweaked the screen for that) and they STILL run. Not to mention i flashed the firmware with the SAME batteries.

Seriously guys, i am NOT joking. I mean, i was expecting this great big battery guzzler, coz thats what everyone has been saying! But i mean, its near enough as good as my gp32 was! If yours got bad battery life, even after firmware update (maybe mine is good coz i used the firmware updater? i dunno) i suggest testing it some more and if its still sucks, send it back. You never know, sony might of sneaked into gph and planted a few battery draining bugs inside a few units, maybe to make them more like the psp.. i dunno.

Kinda off topic, but how DO you overclock DrMD? I mean, I see the in the menu where the overclock perameter is, but no matter what I press, I cannot change it's value. Do you have to use the CPU/LCD tweaker, or am I missing something?
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Knoxximus posted on Feb 25 2006 at 02:48 PM said:
Goity posted on Feb 25 2006 at 06:25 AM said:
I haven't had to change my 2700mahs yet!

Where did you find 2700's? I didn't even know they went up that high! :blink: and Argos, they're british though. Try looking around some internet shops, since they only just came out here.
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you can find 3000mahs if you look in the right places, but really, 2500mah are just the right price and power for me :)

Knozzimus, download the lcd cpu tweaker, once you ise it, you will kick yourself for playing drmd not at 266mhz! seriously, its smooth as anything.

BASICALLY, what i do is this, download the lcd tweak, then i put it into my sd.
Boot the gp2x, wait about a day for it to boot (haw haw haw) then i go to applications... select the cpu lcd tweaker from that menu.
A blu screen with a bunch of info comes up then.

Press the right shoulder button until the cpu clock goes to 270, then press A button to finely tune the frequency to display an exact 266mhz setting.
then press volume button - and the other setting will go to -2.
you see, when you clock the cpu at a different rate, the screens wavey lines may get worse, so the tweaker (which if upll, or fpll, fpll is best for me) should be finely tuned to -2 (on my gp2x anyway).
Any other settings make lines worse or screen brigher etc..

so adjust it to those settings! then press select button to save those setting and it will go back to the menu.
select drmd then, and you will see just how smooth everything is now, put it on fskp 0 and it will draw every frame AND the music will not skip!

I hope this helps, for more info, search the forum on lcd tweak or cpu tweak. See what settings work best for you and others :)

The drmdx is a port basically, and was kind of rushed, so all the options there are from like the gp32 version. Not every menu item works, but were left on there.
Heres hoping for an update of an official drmdx! Which can be skinnable :)

but anyway!
overclocking to 266mhz is amazing, but battery runs down considerably more. But even with my batteries they last pretty long!
GpDogg, your enthusiasm is infectious! I DL'd and installed the CPU/LCD Tweaker and what you IS a big difference....I just wish I could see my ship in Herzog Zwei. :(

I am really enjoying my GP2X....everytime I play it, people are just like, "What is THAT!?!", or, "I see you gotta PSP." :lol:

I feel like a real h4x0r with it.....I really want to look into coding now....I haven't programmed since I was a pre-teen, and that was in Basic, but this handheld of all things has really piqued my interest.

Cheers! :D
yeah!! thats the way!!

I think i am going into some more coding aswell, i mean, im trying my best! but i remember the last proper thing i did was load up a card game from pages and pages and pages of code in my amstrad cpc 464.

MAN, if you get time, get an amstrad cpc 464 manual and look at the card game in that. CRAZY!!

Anyway, im glad you like the tweak.

Next thing you should do is download gngneo2x and the front end for it. Drag in metal slug rom from mame ;)
ALSO! put some new skin on there, i have a nice blue one, much better than those awful green and orange and red backgrounds. Besides, im colour blind and blue is extremely soothing for me, everything else just makes my eyes hurt.

So, if you havent skinned it, have a look at some cool skins! im currently looking into making a new skin, so hopefully sometimes it will be released!
Now all i need is to know how to skin!! :P