I am doing something similar from SD-card. I disabled the bootsplash-screen, slim (the graphical log-in-manager) and on tty1 show a console-menu where i can press one button for different functions like enabling usb-ethernet+dropbear(ssh)+rdate, or mounting/unmounting the second sd-card, or reboot, or shutdown, or enable wifi, networkmanager, or start slim.
Disabling bootsplashscreen:
But that only works for sd-card-booting. However there is a init-script named "/etc/init.d/psplash". Maybe it works to disable that script. You should be able to do this like I did for disabling slim:
I still run slim (manually) most of the times though, by pressing a key in the above mentioned menu, because starting X directly needs some more configuration and modification of .xinitrc. It's all not that easy. To configure slim to log in directly seems somewhat cleaner to me right now. Edit "/etc/slim.conf" for that.
If you still want to directly start X as user, you need to set SUID-bit for the binary:
"chmod +s /usr/bin/Xorg" and then set up a proper .xinitrc - hmm, or was that just for starting lxde....I'm not sure anymore.
Feel free to brows my
little notes that i wrote down mostly for myself. Some things might be inaccurate, outdate or simply wrong/bad. And i also changed some things in my configuration by now that i didn't mention. Use the information on your own risc.

You might get stuck and have to reflash your nand.