Dingoo D-Pad


Still Fresh
Dec 11, 2008
hi people.i was just wanting to know from the people who own dingoo's out there whats the d-pad like for gaming on things like platforms/fighting/racing/shooter etc.i had a gp2x and found it ok for some games and not for others,so if you could give me your personal score for game types ie 9 out 10 for fightinng games it would be most helpful thanks
Hello! I can't really give you reliable scores out of ten as I've never really been that good at side-on beat em ups, and so won't be able to vouch for the d-pad's ability to complete all those complex rotations! Generally, quarter rotation fire-ball moves seem to work for me though.

As d-pad's go, they've one of the best I've used. It's similar to the DS Lite's but inset more into the case (good or bad thing?) and has a looser feel. Apparently, the later models (black Dingoos onwards) have 'firmer' d-pads.

Shown in use here:
GPH Wiz vs. Dingoo A320
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The d-pad is pretty bad for fighting games. I ordered the PSP button caps from DealExtreme ($2 something, free shipping). I heard they help "raise" the d-pad, making the diagonals more responsive. They'll get here tomorrow. Hopefully they work well.
Side-scrolling beat-em-ups: 8.5/10
Fighting games: 6.5/10
SHUMPS: 9.5/10
Platformers: 9/10
FPS: 8/10
Racing: 8/10
Puzzle: 7/10

I've got one of the newer d-pad models, hope this helps =]