Diffrent Kind Of Joystick Problem:


Active Member
Mar 29, 2006
i don't have my gp2x that long and i mainly used it for development but today i noticed something odd.

when i do full 360° circles or even half circles with the joystick. The joystick gets stuck pointing in the left direction. Someone else having this problem ?

How can i fix this. I pulled of davec 's cap and tried it again then it doesn't seem to get stuck. Any idea's ?

when it's stuck and i push it back to the middle i hear a clicking sound lick it locks back into place.
Yes, it is pretty common and happens when you rotate the stick on its axis. The trick is to do 360s without rotating the stick on it's axis. DaveC had a thread a while back with the full reason why it happens.
yaustar posted on May 16 2006 at 01:55 PM said:
Yes, it is pretty common and happens when you rotate the stick on its axis. The trick is to do 360s without rotating the stick on it's axis. DaveC had a thread a while back with the full reason why it happens.

hmm i'll seek that thread, but now even if i do a quarter circle to the left side it gets stuck if i do it to the right it doesn't seem to happen. is this normal as well ?
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Every day I ask myself why my GP2X "just" doesn't have a normal d-pad... In the beginning I really liked the stick though, but if it doesn't allow you to move you to the right direction (and sometimes you have to click left twice before it has any effect)
think this is the thread http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=25879
seems to be it's not fixable guess i'll have to live with it, it's not that i'm playing many games and certainly not any games wich requires quarter cirles and stuff i'll see if it happens when playing doom or vektar

well it happens with doom as well i just can't move correctly anymore god damn this sux :/ i only have my gp2x for about a month. Weird thing is doh if i take cap of and just use the shaft it doesn,'t happen at all !

goana see if they wanna replace my gp2x
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joyrider posted on May 16 2006 at 05:04 AM said:
think this is the thread http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=25879
seems to be it's not fixable guess i'll have to live with it, it's not that i'm playing many games and certainly not any games wich requires quarter cirles and stuff i'll see if it happens when playing doom or vektar

well it happens with doom as well i just can't move correctly anymore god damn this sux :/ i only have my gp2x for about a month. Weird thing is doh if i take cap of and just use the shaft it doesn,'t happen at all !

goana see if they wanna replace my gp2x
I have a feeling it's because you are using the joystick as a joypad so you are doing sweeping motions and the friction is causing the stick to rotate. Try using the middle of your thumb instead.
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hmm it seems to be better when i'm just using the middle of my thumb it didn't get stuck but movement is not quite as good perhaps sicne i'm not used to playing like this, I'm used to joypads yes so that's probably why i'm doing them sweeping motions.
the stick did indeed rotate i could see it at the half circle (when looking at the shaft from above) on top of the shaft it pointed in another direction after some usage when taking of the cap.
but i guess the damage as described on the picture (which isnt availible anymore atm due to geocities) in that other thread has already been done.

i'll see if it gets stuck again when using just the middle of my thumb on the middle of the joystick. i just hope i didn't fuck my joystick up by using it the wrong way. They should have put a part in the manual on how to use the joystick.
Well, I screwed up mine doing the same thing.. if it gets any worse I consider doing a Dpad mod.