Joystick Problem Revisited

The Moose

Nov 11, 2003
Hey Everyone, I recently posted about a joystick problem I was having with my GP2X. I don't think I described it fully enough though last time to get a good analysis, so maybe a better one is due. I just want to make sure this is a faulty joystick instead of a typical hardware letdown.

Ok, so you got the joystick. The thumbpad itself. After playing my GP2X for a few weeks, as I start to rotae the joystick cap around the perimeter of the zone, (you know, like im running in a cirlcle in Zelda or something, not just twisting the stick itself) with the pressure applied right to the edge of the thumb pad (emphasis on the outer) I here a clicking noise at about every function, (up, down, left, right) Also, about 90% of the time now, when I go to carry out a move such as a quarter circle haduken for instance, or any similiar input (turns, rotations, etc.) the joystick will "stick" in that direction, but not still giving the input I designated. For instance, if it gets stuck while I finish a move in up, it wont still be telling the game to go up, but I will have to pull or wiggle the joystick in other directions to get it to "click" back into place. Is this all from wear and tear, do you think I broke it, should I open it up and peek, or send it back, and hope there not all like this?

Thanks for reading guys, I do appreciate it!:)
Does this happen in all games/emus?

I mean, is it definitely a hardware problem, or could it be software?