Joystick Responsiveness


Oct 10, 2005
I was wondering if anyone had a fix for the joystick responsiveness problem I've seen hinted about now and then.

I dont see any definitive topic on how to fix it or even if it can be fixed.

Basically, I am having this problem where the Down on the joystick seems to not register as well as all the other directions. I've tried putting paper inside the cap, I've tried taking the cap off entirely and just using the metal stick (ow) but the results are all the same.

I'll go into diagnostic, and I'll notice when pressing down, it blinks and flickers before giving a solid 'press'. The other directions maintain solid by comparison.

It seems like something in the hardware is keeping it from registering down as well as everything else.

If anyone could at least point me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated, thanks.

I have a Value pack GP2X mk II btw.

I ordered a GP2X Craig cap from gp2xstore, its on the way but I dont know if it'll do any real good if I'm getting this problem even with the cap off.
usually when people have the problem (seems like it's usually with down, sometimes left), it's because the cap's stem impedes movement of the stick. for instance, i switched my original stick for a nipple cap and have experienced much better control. and when i did have the original cap, it performed better with a little bit of paper in there.

but if you're having the problem with no cap on (bearing in mind that it's a little harder to test, because playing with the bare stick just makes the nerves in your fingers all screwy :D ) then maybe you need to switch out your stick assembly. it's a standard alps part. unfortunately i don't have the part number for you. if you're in german, ED can take a look at it for you.

but who knows, maybe with the craig-cap you'll have a better time of it. i'd wait for that to come in before you try anything else. hope it works out for you.