ok , that now is enugh.
I dont have the Time, to call any of Librarys and Wordbooks on the Net, to understand that Comments, and i dont need to do this.
The most of it, is just commentary, that dont cares.
I want to say, only one Thing also:
The Money, is also a Comment, that no one cares, we are having only just some stuff of Fun to read this, no on will be risk over 2000$ really, to a Projekt he dont know.
To the Rest here :
I am Back, and we have made many things, testet many things, and it will work.
Now , here some bug Fixes, and than will be released Alpha. Believe or not, that is not important, important is only, what will be happen.
The Rest, and this i say like You comments, in "non understanding words" for a Person, that dont is an English Profi :
"Wenn ihr sonst nüscht uff der pfonne hoabt, statt des Maul aufzureissen, un schlicht über zeuch, was ihr net ma kennt, un einschätzen könnt, irgendwlechen stumpfsinn abzugeben - dann iss der ganze thread fürn hintern."