Developer Bored: Pitch Me Game Idea

My suggestion:

A pang 3D.

I don't care if balls were really 3D or not.

The gameplay being 3D could have some nice aditions.
Simply I don't have ideas for it.
if someone have time to code, maybe someone want to improve existing GP2X games? We have many promising games but some of them hang in eternal Beta bugy mode. I like to play them but they are just unfinished etc. examples:

-Freecell (unfinished, buggy)
-Enigma (slow, unoptimized)
-some Mahjong Games from Pota (unfinished, crashes often)
-Poker2x (buggy, discontinued)

the original coders sometimes went away from these projects, but I still hope, someone will continue the work on these games. :)
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GunPei2X said:
I posted an idea that could fit the bill last year -- dodgyville was going to run with it, but he got busy with other things so if it tickles you then by all means use it:

(could work very well with the new unit's touchscreen)

I sat on the idea for a while and I be willing to take it up if you flesh out the design. What would make it fun and keep the player replaying the game? Where is the challenge/skill aspect? Reaction? Memorisation? What would keep the player playing once a level/image has been completed?
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yaustar said:
I sat on the idea for a while and I be willing to take it up if you flesh out the design.
That's my day job ;)

What would make it fun and keep the player replaying the game? Where is the challenge/skill aspect? Reaction? Memorisation? What would keep the player playing once a level/image has been completed?

Initially the fun and challenge would be the same as any reflex/music game, with the added appeal of "making" a picture (a la Picross). Skills are reaction, movement and anticipation, with memory becoming important upon repeated attempts. The challenge is to achieve a 75%+ accuracy rating to unlock the next level. Levels would begin relatively simple and raise in challenge/complexity to give the player a sense of conquest. Later levels could introduce new elements, such as a bonus star which, if collected, raises accuracy by 5%, or enemies you have to avoid that try to screw up your picture. There can also be solid walls which litter the play area (Tron-like) and form part of the picture when complete.

Elements to improve:

* The "enemy" sprite could start flashing a second before making a change of direction.
* Regularly-positioned "Gates" which indicate the correct position you should be at, so if you get far off track you can just head for the next Gate and continue from there.
* Award medals for 90%+ accuracy in a level. 10 medals unlocks an ultra-hard batch of levels.
* (tricky to implement) If able to calculate a running accuracy count, a dynamic music system could be introduced, where the music track becomes more distorted (pitch, tempo) as your accuracy lowers.
* An added layer of difficulty (a separate mode) could be introduced by changing the color of the enemy's "trail" on the fly, which the player also has to match (using 4 face buttons if controlling by D-pad/analogue, or the 4 D-pad directions if controlling by stylus).

The probable inclusion of WiFi on the new handheld also opens up the possibility of multiplayer, where both players compete for higher accuracy on an unlocked level, or even a turnabout "follow the leader" mode. Also an online leaderboard, and sharing of user-created levels.
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GunPei2X said:
where both players compete for higher accuracy on an unlocked level, or even a turnabout "follow the leader" mode. Also an online leaderboard, and sharing of user-created levels.
I love the "follow the leader" mode! That'd be really cool!

Also, there could be modes in which one player tries to knock the other off-balance. For instance, the player would look just like the CPU as it draws. The player would never be able to get "underneath" the CPU or else things would get messy. However, at the end, the enemy's drawings disappear. There are many other ideas, such as bombs which can be placed close to, but not on, the path the CPU will take to try to throw the player off.

Maybe bombs could be thrown at each-other during "follow the leader" mode as well?
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yaustar said:
GunPei2X: If you can fill part (or all) of this Game Design Document (GDD), it really be helpful for me, especially if you have mock screens.
Hm, unlikely for some time (heavy deadlines on work projects) -- what date would you want such a doc in place by? I'll let you know if it will be feasible.
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Whenever you are ready, no rush hence the 2-3 month development time period.

In the mean time, I can get myself setup ready for development.
yaustar said:
Whenever you are ready, no rush hence the 2-3 month development time period.

In the mean time, I can get myself setup ready for development.
Okay, I can steal a few moments here and there to try and put something together for you. Cheers.
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You go back in time, you accidentally kill a plant or something. Then we you get back to modern day everything is completely different! Everyone goes by "I get what I want or I will kill you to get it with no problems" then they steal your time machine just before you go back to correct the problem. So then you join a group of people in some bunker and turns out their are zombie pirate ninjas that come out at night and eat anyone they can. So you have to fight the Zombie Pirate Ninjas and find your time machine in a EPIC AS HELL RPG.

How awesome would that be?
How about updating frotz for the gp2x w/ a frontend, and the ability to scroll through nouns and verbs with the buttons..?
yaustar said:
I have been meaning to get back into Homebrew development for a while and with the soon to be released Craig2x, it seems to be decent time to do so. However, my game design skills are pretty poor so I am looking for a designer to work with me.

My requirements:
- Small game, development time 2-3 months
- Minimal graphics/sound creation needed (think Defcon, Darwinia, SqDef level)
- Idea must be original
- Target platform is the new machine from Craig
- 2D preferred

For an idea of the kind of level I am aiming at, look at Panic Paradyz.

I am not looking for a entire design document at the moment, just an 'elevator pitch' (imagine if you had two minutes to describe the game to me).

If you want an idea of what I can do, take a look at my portfolio in my signature. Pitch away!


In short. Pitch me an original game idea if as though you had two minutes to do it in.
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I've just come up with a rough idea, but dunno how well it would work. There's basically a circle, made up of several rings. The rings are made up of jewels/coloured circles/balls/whatever and all of the rings are rotating. The idea is, using the stylus, you grab one of the rings and adjust its speed until it matches the other rings and so that some of the colours line up. When the jewels are lined up from the center ring, all the way to the outside the jewels will disappear and the rings will shrink, to fill in the new space. The outside ring will set the overall speed and the player won't be able to adjust the speed of this one.

To make the game harder/easier the speed of the outside ring can be adjusted and the number of rings can also be changed. You could also make it so that the rings slowly slow down that you adjust, so you need to keep them at a constant speed.
Javacat said:
I've just come up with a rough idea, but dunno how well it would work. There's basically a circle, made up of several rings. The rings are made up of jewels/coloured circles/balls/whatever and all of the rings are rotating. The idea is, using the stylus, you grab one of the rings and adjust its speed until it matches the other rings and so that some of the colours line up. When the jewels are lined up from the center ring, all the way to the outside the jewels will disappear and the rings will shrink, to fill in the new space. The outside ring will set the overall speed and the player won't be able to adjust the speed of this one.

To make the game harder/easier the speed of the outside ring can be adjusted and the number of rings can also be changed. You could also make it so that the rings slowly slow down that you adjust, so you need to keep them at a constant speed.
I think I can imagine that. If you could whip up a mock screen shot that would clear it up a bit.
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Chucked together a couple of possible layouts, but whilst working on them I'm not convinced it would work very well.

I've just had another little idea in relation to this one. Instead of having the rings moving down to another row when the shapes are matched, , the space between the shapes could simply increase, so that they are spread out evenly on each ring. When a ring gets completely cleared then the larger rings would then shift down to fill the space. In effect when the game starts you would be shown the first circle shown in the top of my image, and as shapes are removed you would end up with something like the bottom circle.

PS, I nicked the shapes from frozen bubble :P
GunPei2X said:
I posted an idea that could fit the bill last year -- dodgyville was going to run with it, but he got busy with other things so if it tickles you then by all means use it:

(could work very well with the new unit's touchscreen)

Yeah, sorry about that. I did a version and it just didn't do the idea justice - slow, confusing, etc.

What would make it a great game would be 2player using the console at the same time (one person uses the d-pad, the other uses the buttons).
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Hmm...I don't know if this has been done yet, but how about a Polarium clone? You could potentially even make it compatible with Polarium codes for puzzle-levels, and later when the Craiginator and F-200 come out, you could toss in the 'arcade' mode since you'd have a toughscreen.

Alternatively, I'm starting to get a rough idea for a stick figure weapons-based beatemup. Sorry if these ideas are bad.