Dev Donation Link Index


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I started this page up a little while ago, inspired by a similar page on the GP2X wiki.

At the time I just threw in a few things off the top of my head to get it moving. But it's been on the backburner since then.

It would be great if people could help out, by thinking of their favourite release, finding out if that dev has a donate link, and adding details to the wiki page. Or posting them here.

If you're a dev producing stuff for the platform, you are welcome to add yourself. Be reasonable though - we don't want it to turn into a huge directory of people who might port something some day. :P Any help appreciated. :)
Good call Gruso.

I'd add Mcobit and Sebt3 for obvious reasons* but I think both have stated they'd rather not earn from their endeavours.

*Cost me nothing to suggest adding them hehe :)
Someone add me in there.. Firmware, minimenu, battlejewels, emus and ports, general awesomeness.

In all the 8+ years here I've gotten I think 5 donators (who I've generally pushed to send me postcards or jelly-babies ;)

skeezix said:
Someone add me in there.. Firmware, minimenu, battlejewels, emus and ports, general awesomeness.

In all the 8+ years here I've gotten I think 5 donators (who I've generally pushed to send me postcards or jelly-babies ;)


I have no money to give you (well I will at the end of the month, but it's for my Pandora AT LONG LAST!) however, if I were to pick a developer to give a job somewhere big like Square Enix, I'd pick you. You kept me entertained for the last four years with Little John Portable.
But this is a brilliant idea! Also, will there be an option to split the funds for projects? i.e. some to programming, some to music, some to art etc.? That'd be awesome.
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skeezix said:
Someone add me in there.. Firmware, minimenu, battlejewels, emus and ports, general awesomeness.

In all the 8+ years here I've gotten I think 5 donators (who I've generally pushed to send me postcards or jelly-babies ;)


Firmware is flakey, minimenu I never use, battlejewels? What emus? What ports?

General awesomeness - that alone rules you for a donation.

But it's the begging thing that did it for me....

Only joking Jeff ;)

My donation is on it's way
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oh man, that ancient esselerate site, forgot about that one :) Damned thing charges tax, but it does send it right over to me very reliably. They have a solid service, I made a living on those guys for a few years with my various shareware, but wish there was a better way (paypal seems untrustable to me.)

I should set up a paypal or something to make it easier, but its never been high on my priorities to set up; paypal implies hooking them into a bank account, which strikes terror into my heart ;)

If anyone wants to send me postcards, PM me and I'll paste back my address ;)

skeezix said:
If anyone wants to send me postcards, PM me and I'll paste back my address ;)
How about I just treat you to lunch sometime? :D
There are at least 5 users, 3 of whom have Pandoras, in the GTA. We should arrange a meet for beers and retrovidea games.
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Ok, I added myself, please note, that a donation for me would be for work already done. As this is not my main job, I don't have time to always be active in the community.
skeezix said:
I should set up a paypal or something to make it easier, but its never been high on my priorities to set up; paypal implies hooking them into a bank account, which strikes terror into my heart ;)

I'm also suspicious of this so-called "cellular phone technology" with it's "global positioning satellite" tracking system. Come on, Jeff, join us in the 21st Century! ;)
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Good idea. I think donation-ware is good. I certainly as a user feel like this is the way to go. I know developers have mixed to poor experiences with it though, as skeezix has pointed out; So, the more visible donation links are, the better. Certainly compiling a list on the wiki is a very good idea.
skeezix said:
Go ask Notch (and not to mention our very own OPT) about PayPal ;)


It's very easy to establish a new bank account, even with your same primary financial institution. This could be done solely for the PayPal account. To each their own, but I personally like PayPal and find it to be the easiest way to send money. I've also never had any issues, so perhaps my opinion would be different if that wasn't the case.
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