Pandora Wiki ideas?


I am a banana!
Jan 31, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hi folks,

I've been going through a lot of the wiki and am trying to determine whats old, what could be better and what needs to be added. 

Its probably more important as we are getting a lot more Pandoras out and a lot more people may ask the same question over and over. It'd be easier to link them back to the wiki with confidence that it'll help.

I'm pretty sure we could make the wiki more user friendly as well, seems to be a bit of a mess (Sucks because I can't do anything with the front page. Including removing irrelevant-dead links).

So what I need is people to bring up ideas and maybe make comments in this thread if you feel something isn't quite right or if your comfortable with modifying the wiki yourself then please do.

The Port requests section has been annoying me for a while, its great to see it shrinking (finally) lol

Seconds that do need updating: - Needs a big cleanup and putting current events on top.
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I suppose howtos could be done but its not worth rewriting a readme file :)

Possibly add controls for specific programs?

I would also like to see some warranty information and how to send your pandora in for repair

I also think linking to the boards on the wiki should be discouraged (Unless its an article that needs a source)
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I also think linking to the boards on the wiki should be discouraged (Unless its an article that needs a source)
Huh ?

There's quantitatively more useful info in the boards than in the wiki so why not link ?
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I agree but it needs to be a wiki page with formatting and color not a board post  ;) .

Board posts can get lost mysteriously where as the wiki can be reverted easily if something happens.
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How can pages get lost with that amount of moderators ??? ^^

Well, copying seems safe so.
Thats easy. Things get moved and posts get delinked (although its rare).

The KISS principal (Keep It Short and Simple) isn't used enough these days! Imagine if every page on wikipedia just linked to a webpost? (If the page for coconuts just linked to it'd be annoying and bothersome for many :) )
I think a nice 'welcome to Pandora' five minute video could cover more information than in a more clear way than 50 pages of wiki.. but it's a great idea for somebody to take up the wiki

My original NDS homebrew page is powered by mediawiki if you want to get some ideas on layouts.
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I guess this needs to be thought about :P Not really a big fan of the current page (The white is too bright)

Thanks for the site i'll have a look later.
Im not loving the search function on that mediawiki though. Nice otherwise.

We should get some good templates going and some general consensus on what to model everything after. Tear the whole first page apart and start fresh. I like the all info at once aspect of this, so that one can grasp what goes on. We should aim for the same. No nested menus and duplication galore.

Seeing as it is now, usb isnt under hardware, which is a bit strange. There is hardware hacking in a pdf, etc etc

Right off the bat, its a wall of text without any pictograms or colour. I dont particularly like the segregation between devs and users either..

About the Pandora

Pandora FAQ Unofficial user manual

Pandora information index

Rename software projects to programs and put OS-es in a seperate category.

There is too much to mention, ill look through and see if i can make sense of it.

TL;DR it doesnt work, and it doesnt help that the same thing is done in japanese and german

I suggest a nice long list and then a little flag with english japanese and german accordingly next to it, no need to have 3 portals for the same thing.

Is there a list of all the sites so that one can categorize? EDIT: There we go

Something like this.


(Picture of openpandora) logo faq

a# shipped, link to timeline, shop


nubs → nubs

corex a8 → tutorial overclock

usb how to usb host, otg etc


qwerty keymat > how to change layout, how to change keymats



Operating system > default super saxxon → tutorial on how to use everything

How to make OS, githacks hotfix 1 2 3 4 5 6 ...


linux 3.2.0 link to git,

others > slax, pandebian etc

Games, link to repo, thats where that is..?

How to make Games, toolchains

Emulators same thing,


How to meet people, forum, wiki, irc, email etc

ED, Notaz, mweston, skeezix etc links to the above for each

what they do, how to donate, etc
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Get 'semantic mediawiki', 'semantic forms', and maybe 'cite', maybe 'WikiEditor'.

Arrange semantic classes with forms/templates. Add pages in current categories to such classes.

Make nice overview pages that list such classes and categories. Do cross-category searches etc. etc.

Have templates for stubs/important/deprecated pages and list these specifically somewhere.

Then for some of the bigass guides/pages see if they can be broken up in to 'relevant' and 'specialist' parts, to get more overview of WTH.

(Hmmm, Semantic Mediawiki :wub: )
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I'm not sure if you saw my post in my request thread Wally but I tried adding a couple things to the wiki and they won't save for some reason. Tried a few times with the same results.
I dont particularly like the segregation between devs and users either..
While I agree with this to an extent I think it is important for people to be able to find the type of information that's appropriate. A beginner isn't necessarily going to want to delve into technical details, and a more advanced user may want a quick way to find more technical information.

I had never used linux before I got my EEE PC 701 which used a customised version of Xandros. As I was learning, one of the most useful resources I found was the forum and wiki.

The thing I liked best about the wiki, was that it was presented primarily as a sequence of How-To's with a clear indication of the best starting points if you were a newbie, but also had a fairly clear path to follow if you wanted to do something more advanced.

- Neelix
I now have admin access and can clean up the Wiki a bit :)

Going off  All pages - Pandora Wiki that comeradekingu posted I can now begin to remove a lot of pages that are irrelevant. 

Cleared out a little bit of spam and i'll need to start work on the front page to remove dead links