Details And Specs Of The Pandora's Sound Card

Is the Pandora using the same DAC setup as the new Archos 5 line? They share the same processor - so someone on their forum suggested they'd have the same audio quality as well.

The Archos 5 line is reported to be much improved in that regard, and it's considered great - but not the best in it's class.
PolloLoco said:
Is the Pandora using the same DAC setup as the new Archos 5 line? They share the same processor - so someone on their forum suggested they'd have the same audio quality as well.

The Archos 5 line is reported to be much improved in that regard, and it's considered great - but not the best in it's class.

I haven't seen complete specs of the Archos 5, I don't think there is a list online. But I'd guess it is different and Archos went for a cheaper 16-bit one, like the iPhone's.
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actually, the archos 606 for ex (and most ipods), uses a wolfson microelectronics DAC (WM8985) which is 24bit :P the problem is that it lacks an external amp, so it's driven only by the 40mW amp (at 16ohm) inside the DAC... i think :P
mazza558 said:
For people who aren't quite sure about the technical specs of the sound chip, what is the sound quality of Burr Brown stuff in comparison to other music players? Are we talking iPod quality, iRiver quality or even Cowon quality?

Burr Brown DACS are used in some seriously high end CD players. But the DAC quality is far from the overall picture on sound quality. Tho having BB dacs is a DAMN GOOD start.
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quote='[quote name="guizm" date="26 August 2009 - 08:35 PM" timestamp="1251311745" post="750776"]
Wow man, you have re-open a really old post...
while true; do
    quote=`echo $quote | sed -e "s/really/really really/" -`
The worst thing is that there already is a thread on the subject on the front page of "General talk [Pandora]" as we speak...