How stupid are you? Pulling the troops out of Iraq is screwing over Iraq! We need to secure it and build it up before Syria, and everyone else kills off and takes over Iraq. And, if troops so desperately hate Bush, and what he's doing to protect Iraq they wouldn't of joined the military. Everyone I know who's been in Iraq has gone back.
All I can say is, I'm not going to change your mind, but try living with a bunch of radical AK47 wielding weirdos who think there relegion and race are better then the worlds! I'm glad to say our governor stayed Republican.
Pelosi is raising the minimum wage and lowering student loan interest rates.
For all you young'uns out there this is a good thing
And higher taxes for the rest of us!
"we" need to secure it and build it? How are "we" going to do that? I guess since this shit has driven the country trillions of dollars more in debt what is a few more trillions right? Do you ever wonder who will pay for it? You may have noticed that they don't want us there. We have brought them hell over there. Do you happen to actually know how many Iraqi as well as American deaths and serious injuries Bush and his wreckless adventures have caused? Have you ever seen the pictures of Iraqi children and civilians bloody and torn up by the "freedom" that we brought them. I know the right wing media shields you from it most of the time, out of sight out of mind. I have seen pictures and it is horrific, it makes me sick. Going there in the first place was "screwing over" Iraq
Iraq is a quagmire and a no-win situation. Our troops are fodder for road side bombs and enemy bullets. "support our troops" ? Yeah, why don't we? Support our troops with more troops, enough to PROPERLY get the job done why don't we? Yeah, that would have required the draft. That would also have meant the demise of the Republican party along time ago as the draft would have been unpopular. But war is war right? If we REALLY felt that Saddam was such a *grave threat* then that is the sacrifice we should have made right? Afterall winning the war on terror and "saving the USA" is MUCH more important that the political hides of the Republicans or any party. Remember WWII from history class? Remember the sacrifice that the USA and yes it's citizens made for the "war effort". Remember how new cars for citizens was a luxury we did without as factories were converted to make bombs, planes and bullets? It is all to easy to shoot off the mouth when YOU don't have to go there and get shot at. In the end it comes down to the fact that we should not have gone to war there in the first place, especially with the ready-fire-aim plan of GW Bush and Co. Going to war in Iraq was not a "mistake". It was a criminal act. It is criminal against the Iraqis and our troops alike. The only winners are Haliburton, and all of the other war profiteers.
You realize that the USD is now a BANKRUPT currency right. China basically owns us now by propping us up.
The problem with the right wing is they just don't *think things out*. They think in slogans and catch phrases but no long term.
Higher taxes? Well yeah maybe if you make 1/4 million or more a year. In that case I don't feel sorry for you, you can afford it. That "tax cut" was a ruse for the simple minded anyway. They give you $500 back at the end of the year to buy your vote. Then big oil pumps up the price of gas, The Bush admin makes it illegal to buy bulk drugs so the pharmaceutical company can gauge you, and health care goes through the roof. So now your bribe... I mean "tax cut" of $500 doesn't look so good now that you are paying $1500 more for everything else
You have been TRICKED.
The reason the Democrats won is because we are just FED UP with the lies, hipocrisy, corruption, and just plain arrogant disregard for the citizens of this country and the WHOLE WORLD. Enough is enough. I am just suprised it took this long. Hey better late than never, good riddens.
To those saying same shit new faces or whatever that is just ignorant. Not to say that the Democrats are perfect but they are much better option than the single party rule rubber stamp congress that we had.
The first *MUSLIM* was elected too (Democrat of course). How do you like them apples? I think it is GREAT. I am not religious at all but at least I now have faith that many of us can think for ourselves, and don't fall for Bush's hate mongering anymore. If your brain is big enough you will see that many Americans aren't as stupid as Bush makes out to be and hoped we were. The bigoted Republicans wouldn't have done that. Ha Ha HA FUCK YOU BUSH!!!