Release Krystal Drop


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Krystal Drop, an OpenSource remake of Magical Drop


The port use glshim and is fast.

The game is not 100% finished, so the only 1 Player Mode is Survival. The Duel is 2 Player (no A.I.).

The default keymap is for 1 Player (DPad + {X} & {B}). For 2 Player, I suggest you change mapping (like DPad for P2 and ABXY for P1).

History log

Build 04

  • Fresh compile, with updated libs
  • Attempt to fix score not always sticking (and 1st score C4A submit)
Build 03

  • Found a workaround for the missing menu on CC
Build 02

  • Added C4A support
Build 01

  • Initial build
  • Some Pandora adaptation
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C4A support has been added...

Build 02


  • Added C4A support
PS: I just noticed that, on CC, some text are not rendered. I have no idea why, has the rendering is simple and looks correct to me (it was there also in build 01). I guess it's, again, a CC exclusive glitch.
Ok, new build on the repo. I finally found a workaround for the missing menu on the CC.
Here is the detail:
The game use "glGetTexImage"  function. I implemented this on glshim using a framebuffer. But it seems the CC doesn't like much Framebuffers (may be the size of some, or the number of framebuffer created in a frame?). So used a local copy of the loaded texture to simulated that function. It's ok for this game as not much texture are loaded anyway.

Build 03


  • Found a workaround for the missing menu on CC
Oh, geez!
I actually thought "What about C4A implementation...?" and searched for this thread - only to find out I missed the C4A implementation :)
Great, now I'm going to fight :)
Looks like your first score is not submitted to C4A but after the first game it seems to work fine. I tried clearing the appdata folder and it happened again in the first game.

Oh, and thanks for another great port.
Thanks for noticing it, and to have checked how to reproduce it!

I'll try to look at why it does that. It's a strange behaviour.
I played several time to krystal drop, but it never submit any score. It doesn't even save the highscore localy, ie if I exit the game and restart it, the highscore in the game are the default highscore, as if I never played.

Please note that double cross high score are update just fine.

Let me know if I can help in some way to diagnose this problem.
New build on the repo. I tried a few things to fix the issue with the score not stiking and the 1st score C4A submit.

Build 04

  • Fresh compile, with updated libs
  • Attempt to fix score not always sticking (and 1st score C4A submit)
Thanks for the update. Now the highscore is update ingame, but still not on c4a.
@diegor : strange. I need to see the /tmp/pndrun_krystaldrop.out log file. I worked for me, so I don't know what's wrong here.

*EDIT* @diegor : maybe your firmware is just too old. I use the fusilli client that is now in the firmware, but if you have an old one, the client is not there and score will never be registered. In that case, just update the firmware of your Pandora.
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