Sales declare it w/ a lower price to avoid customs taxes?

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that brazilian guy =`]
Feb 13, 2006
São Paulo - SP - Brasil

I've placed a pre-order, I'm from Brazil (São Paulo, SP). I've just checked and the payment for the pandora and a 32gb sandisk sdhc card was made successfully.

I want to know if you are willing to declare the package as a "$120 usd, 2GB MP4 player" and have the sd card already open and inserted on the pandora (to save space in the package, no need for the sd card package).
This is to get me rid of the abusive tax here (up to 80% :wacko: ) and have it sent faster.

in case you need it, here it goes:
(please don't post this ID where everybody can see, it just isn't a good idea)

thank you very much in advance ^_^
You are asking the distributor of a commercial product to deliberately break the law, lie to customs, and risk having the enitre operation shut down.

That's pretty dumb.

You are asking them to do it, and provide you with a response, in an open forum (thus providing evidence that they intended to defraud customs)

That's a new kind of dumb!
fischju said:
done before posting here.

Pleng said:
You are asking the distributor of a commercial product to deliberately break the law, lie to customs, and risk having the enitre operation shut down.

That's pretty dumb.
believe me, some big companies that sell products worldwide do it. it's not like someone is gonna open my box, open it and see it's a pandora, search google to see what a pandora is, etc...
You really don't know what it's like to have the dollars to pay for something, but then you need to pay like 80% more in taxes. -_-

Pleng said:
You are asking them to do it, and provide you with a response, in an open forum (thus providing evidence that they intended to defraud customs)

That's a new kind of dumb!
I didn't really ask for a response here :P That's a new kind of read-before-you-try-to-bash-me :wink:
Well here in Brazil the custom dudes would never find out the real value of a Pandora and would think it was some kind of Chinese video-game and let it through. I've received things that were declared as $90 and didn't have to pay taxes, guess it's because I live in a relatively small city (Niterói - RJ) and the mail workers didn't care.
But on GBAX's end, I think they could end up in serious trouble if it was found out they declared a fake value and insurance wouldn't cover your Pandora if it got lost. I think I'd rather just pay the 60% tax (if you used AirSure) to the corrupt politicians than risk losing my Pandora.
If you chose UPS, I highly recommend you change your shipping method because the taxes they have for courier services aren't beautiful...
Anyways if you do have success in making a deal with GBAX to declare the wrong value, contact me via PM or e-mail. said:
fischju said:
done before posting here.

Pleng said:
You are asking the distributor of a commercial product to deliberately break the law, lie to customs, and risk having the entire operation shut down.

That's pretty dumb.
believe me, some big companies that sell products worldwide do it. it's not like someone is gonna open my box, open it and see it's a pandora, search google to see what a pandora is, etc...

Well that's just what customs and excise in the UK would do. They have more power than the police. Slapping on the additional import tax is the least of your worries. They could, on a whim, open your parcel, take apart your imported device, and send it on to you in little pieces. No compensation due, even if they had no apparent cause for doing so.

They could additionally, if they expect you of evading taxes, come into your house, tear it apart and rip up your floor boards to look for evidence. All without so much as a warrant. Again, no compensation due for any damage caused.

So yes, I think it would be pretty stupid of the team to do anything to p*ss off customs.

You really don't know what it's like to have the dollars to pay for something, but then you need to pay like 80% more in taxes. -_-

Hell man I live in rip-off Britain. I'd be more than happy to pay 80% taxes on rarely-purchased electronic goods, rather than the insane amount of duty we have to pay for 'luxury' items such as a glass of beer, some tobacco, or fuel for a car.

Pleng said:
You are asking them to do it, and provide you with a response, in an open forum (thus providing evidence that they intended to defraud customs)

That's a new kind of dumb!

I didn't really ask for a response here :P That's a new kind of read-before-you-try-to-bash-me :wink:

Eh. Let me quote again, from your original post on this forum!

I've highlighted your questioning words, for ease of reading.

I want to know if you are willing to declare the package as a "$120 usd, 2GB MP4 player" and have the sd card already open and inserted on the pandora (to save space in the package, no need for the sd card package).
This is to get me rid of the abusive tax here (up to 80% :wacko: ) and have it sent faster.
They're not going to do it. It's that easy.

It's a small company, the last thing they need is troubles with the law.

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