trying to avoid getting a dodgy card


Oct 15, 2008
So currently i'm using a '2gb data speedy sd' card and i have a 4gb sandisk sdhc card as well which for some reason works for my camera but not my pandora.

I'm trying to work out what cards are better and more importantly which ones work. I have my eye on this one: SanDisk 32GB SD SDHC Memory Card 32 GB Secure Digital. I can buy it on Ebay for like 57.80 australian which is alright. Will this card work will or do i need to look again?
*face palm* sorry ^^' should have seen it.

But surely paypal is safe? and if i stick with a seller with near 100% reputation and no history of bad sd cards?

Also, will class 10 work? stupid sd cards!
If I were you I would avoid ebay completely. I usually get all my hardware from Centrecom (I'm assuming you're an aussie based on your 'australian dollars' above).

This Is an alright deal, I may get it myself...
Yep proudly Australian made flesh.

This deal looks nice, and based on whirl pool they seem alright. I guess I'll go with them. So this SD should work aye

Btw, did you manage to solve the problem with the ac adapter? it's like they diddn't think of us =( but strangely enough there appears to be an australian shaped hole underneath the metal part...

Also, i thought you guys might be interested to know, that although ebay sellers are often dodgy, i got a super deal with my cintiq 12wx a while back with possibly one of the most dedicated and prompt sellers i've ever dealt with. He made a genuine effort to be friendly and curtious and i got my tablet on time and at a good price, and he was based in Australia. The guy actually likes ordering with people through email and provides technical support for his buyers because he beleives that customer relationships are vital. Lol so yeah you gotta be careful, but there are some very good sellers on ebay.

Btw, did you manage to solve the problem with the ac adapter? it's like they diddn't think of us =( but strangely enough there appears to be an australian shaped hole underneath the metal part...


I just use one of those cheap travel adapters, you can get them for like $5 at newsagents.

And the only people on ebay you shouldn't trust are those selling any form of computer storage, and those selling batteries. I'm not saying that everyone on ebay is trying to rip you off.
But surely paypal is safe? and if i stick with a seller with near 100% reputation and no history of bad sd cards?
My apologies for showing up a little late here, but this particular quote deserves a response all of its own. :P

Sellers of fakes typically have 100% or near to 100% positive feedbacks, and you would be hard-pressed to find any history of selling fakes. This is because most people never realise that they've been conned until long after feedback was left, due to thinking that putting a few things on the card (or filling it with things) "to check that it works" is sufficient testing for authenticity. It isn't - H2Testw or F3 are the only ways (these cards are hacked to present a false size, so of course they will appear to let you fill them - these programs are the only way of verifying the true size, though). In short, eBay's feedback system is meaningless in cases like this.

If you search SOSFakeFlash for references to PayPal, you'll find that you're very likely to have problems with them. They're very big on talk about "buyer protection", but it sounds from many reports as if they are not big on action for it in all regions (this does differ depending on the consumer protection laws of your region, though).

Anyway, everyone else has already got you covered, with regard to avoiding eBay. :P I would also add to be wary of third-party sellers on large online retail sites, as well. Whilst many of them are legitimate businesses just using the sites as another outlet, fakes have been known to be sold by some sellers using this means, and if you're not familiar with the third-party sellers, it may not be worth the risk.
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Yeah.. good thing we have Fair Trade I managed to get my money back for something once AND THEN they managed to send the product anyway... made me picture some suits coming around to the store and beating them till they acheived maximum satisfaction LOL

EDIT: this was a company of course, i doubt i'd get that for an ebay seller ^^
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Ok, Found a good deal with PCGC (pretty much the most reliable online seller in australia AFAIK) Patriot LX 32GB SDHC Class 10

I also looked on the compatability section of the wiki and found out that it can only flash with 'fat32' annnd... what's that? can i run it with problems or can't I ^^

"ext2/3/4 are working" is a no, is that a particularly bad thing?

moz: With that same SD card you posted about, according to the wiki it appears to have major problems..

Compat. list -

BTW, If a moderater so wishes, he may add this bit of info to the list: Adata 2gb speedy SD works fine with the pandora, good thing i have it to tide me over before i get a nice big SD ^^

I've got no idea whether it can be formated to fat32 or ext2/3/4...
I also looked on the compatability section of the wiki and found out that it can only flash with 'fat32' annnd... what's that? can i run it with problems or can't I ^^

"ext2/3/4 are working" is a no, is that a particularly bad thing?

eh? how can an sd card not be able to be formatted as ext? the card just sits there as a dump storage medium, doesn't ever know anything about how it's formatted as that's just data stored on it
Ok, Found a good deal with PCGC (pretty much the most reliable online seller in australia AFAIK) Patriot LX 32GB SDHC Class 10

I also looked on the compatability section of the wiki and found out that it can only flash with 'fat32' annnd... what's that? can i run it with problems or can't I ^^
There is no reason why it shouldn't work as ext, it should work with fat32 anyways.

moz: With that same SD card you posted about, according to the wiki it appears to have major problems..

Oops, sorry about that, I should do more research before giving advice :mellow:
also, some class 10 cards are reported to have errors on pandora, as some class10s need additional power to operate, which pandora i guess doesnt produce. this doesnt apply to all class 10 cards, so your mileage may vary
eh? how can an sd card not be able to be formatted as ext? the card just sits there as a dump storage medium, doesn't ever know anything about how it's formatted as that's just data stored on it
This was covered in a lot of detail in a thread which I can't seem to find right now, but apparently this is due to the controllers used in some cards not behaving as they should, and ending up causing problems with these filesystems as a result. If I'm remembering rightly, an example given was that the ext* filesystems write in 4KB chunks (do I have that right? I'm only going on memory here), and some of the problematic controllers are not friendly to that.

Anyway, I gather that it's down to the controllers not acting properly, rather than anything being directly incompatible with given filesystems. :P
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eh? how can an sd card not be able to be formatted as ext? the card just sits there as a dump storage medium, doesn't ever know anything about how it's formatted as that's just data stored on it
If I'm remembering rightly, an example given was that the ext* filesystems write in 4KB chunks (do I have that right? I'm only going on memory here), and some of the problematic controllers are not friendly to that.
Sometimes, 1kB is more common though.
So in other words i shouldn't get this card..? Lol.. i need a decent working 32gb card, according to the wiki that's 'Lexar Multi-Use 32GB' and 'SanDisk Ultra 32 GB Class 4 SDHC' and possibly 'Zap Glider 32GB Class 4' So i guess they're my only options, aye.

Somehow I feel like I'll just have to follow the trend in order to remain safe about my purchase it seems.