I think my GP32 is ill

The Mole

Oct 29, 2003
I was playing a round of Doom then all of a sudden the screen was split into 4, i thought it was an error so turned the machine off waited a few seconds and turned it on again. I went into games and got the message SMC is not insterted or game does not exsist.

I was going to delete the contents of my card anyway so thought i would format the card and add some new stuff, i did so but i am still getting the same message.

Has my GP32 stoped working? or is it the smart mediacard thats packed in.

Is their anything i can do?
If you are using ORIGINAL BIOS, in "SMC IS NOT INSERTED" screen push select button and then A button to perform a SMC check.

The two issues are not connected.

The 4-screen split thing is a problem that a few games for GP32 have, it doesn't cause any damage, you just have to switch off and then on again and restart your game.

The SMC problem does sound like corruption of some sort, but I'm afraid I don't know too much about that. Do you have a card reader? Or do you have Pacrom installed on your GP32?
No to both.

I hope its not a problem with my GP32, im gutted that i lost all my games/mp3s but i am even more gutted that i cant play my GP32.
Try turning your gp32 on and then putting the SMC in. I have no idea why this would work, but it made my mp3 recognise my smc :lol:
Golden rule... Backup!

You need to try formatting from PC link and then starting again. Go for an SMC reader if possible, they're a lot faster.

It could also be a faulty SMC or even a faulty slot or GP32. if it's one of the last two, it should still be under warranty. Get it changed.

Well my first port of call is to take the card back, i will do that tomorrow, if that does not solve the problem then i guess i will have to get onto gbax about getting a replacement unit, i have only had the thing since Thursday.
Try to find somebody with a SMC and see if that works on your GP32 (of course put something on the SMC).
The screen will split in four when a certain (thought to be incorrect) screen mode is used (17 comes to mind off the top of my head). If it's happening everytime, it's probably something to do with the SMC card like everyone said. Try taking a kleenex and wiping off the end of the SMC card.
The screen will split in four when a certain (thought to be incorrect) screen mode is used (17 comes to mind off the top of my head). If it's happening everytime, it's probably
The 4 slipt screen has nothing to do with SMC as Rob said earlier. It happens occasionally when LCD DMA gets kinda out of sync while new framebuffer pointers are poked into LCD hardware registers.
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Thanks for all your help guys, i am quite sure its a problem with the SMC so its going back to PC World later, i will keep you all informed as to if it solves the problem.

I hope it sorts it out
get new duracel batteries while your out as well and try them in it :D
I have replaced the smartmedia card and nothing, i still have the same problem. It seams to me like it could be a faulty unit. I have e-mailed the company i got it from to see what they have to say and hopefully i will get a new unit.