Dc To Pc Controller Adapters


chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai
Nov 24, 2003
Wrentham, MA
I know theirs X-Box ones but I have some DC controllers and I would just like to know if their is any or jsut what to search for

Im using my gp32 right now to play some games on the PC but it would be better w/ more buttons for like SNES and Genesis ect.

or maybe a GC controller too
PinkSpider posted on Mar 12 2005 at 06:44 PM said:
I have a shitty usb pad. A DC adapter (that works on mac) would be bloody amazing, especially as I have a DC arcade stick aswell.
I foudn one for PS2 DC and GCN

well that one isn't compitiable with MAC :(

I think Im just going to get a GC one tho



thats an arcade pad for the PC based after the saturn one but is $80
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PinkSpider posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
If its plug and play it may work, my usb pad just works (plug and play is ace), if it requires drivers then I may be fucked :(

Playing ROMS on my ibook is ace tho.
yeah you need drivers

yaustar posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
I live in the US and they have those on lik-sang too
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DemonStar55 posted on Mar 13 2005 at 01:50 AM said:
PinkSpider posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
If its plug and play it may work, my usb pad just works (plug and play is ace), if it requires drivers then I may be fucked :(

Playing ROMS on my ibook is ace tho.
yeah you need drivers

yaustar posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
I live in the US and they have those on lik-sang too

Where does it say you need drivers ?

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trooper posted on Mar 12 2005 at 09:42 PM said:
DemonStar55 posted on Mar 13 2005 at 01:50 AM said:
PinkSpider posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
If its plug and play it may work, my usb pad just works (plug and play is ace), if it requires drivers then I may be fucked :(

Playing ROMS on my ibook is ace tho.
yeah you need drivers

yaustar posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
I live in the US and they have those on lik-sang too

Where does it say you need drivers ?

http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?category=...oducts_id=4532& scroll down to the included stuff and it says driver disks
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Yes!, But that`s for win98 and win95 as they don`t have full support for the usb standard. WinME, Win2k, WinXP and later Mac`s support HID (Human Interface Devices) through usb without drivers.

trooper posted on Mar 12 2005 at 10:31 PM said:
Yes!, But that`s for win98 and win95 as they don`t have full support for the usb standard. WinME, Win2k, WinXP and later Mac`s support HID (Human Interface Devices) through usb without drivers.

still doesn't say it supports Mac
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In English, there is a standard protocol (HID), that many usb devices, especially simple ones like controllers use. Later versions of Windows and Mac OS have support for such devices without the need of drivers. Such devices are called "HID Compliant".
Blah posted on Mar 13 2005 at 04:37 AM said:
In English, there is a standard protocol (HID), that many usb devices, especially simple ones like controllers use. Later versions of Windows and Mac OS have support for such devices without the need of drivers. Such devices are called "HID Compliant".

Mine was in english, Wasn`t it. :blink: :P

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trooper posted on Mar 12 2005 at 10:55 PM said:
Blah posted on Mar 13 2005 at 04:37 AM said:
In English, there is a standard protocol (HID), that many usb devices, especially simple ones like controllers use. Later versions of Windows and Mac OS have support for such devices without the need of drivers. Such devices are called "HID Compliant".

Mine was in english, Wasn`t it. :blink: :P

yeah but I got both of them but it still says it doesn't support Mac but it might who knows
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