homebrew player (P. & C.)
This is the user talk thread. For serious devtalk, use the dedicated thread.
Since slaeshjag introduced his work on the dbp system, there havent been any repository set. This is it.
As you can see there's no DBP uploaded yet. I'm guessing this is expected since none have been publicly released yet. (ho and the database is fresh from an hour ago too )
For DBP maintainers :
Features :
Everything else. This is the very early days of the repo. Only the minimum features are there.
Planned :
Since slaeshjag introduced his work on the dbp system, there havent been any repository set. This is it.
As you can see there's no DBP uploaded yet. I'm guessing this is expected since none have been publicly released yet. (ho and the database is fresh from an hour ago too )
For DBP maintainers :
- I'm only checking the field in the desktop files I need, nothing else (and even there, I'm not using a validation scheme, so it's very basic). So no pain here
- No new fields in the desktop files required for the repo
- No screenshot to add in the package or anything
- Everything else is configurable in the repo once the dbp file is uploaded.
Features :
- Single-Sign-On with the forum (so you wont have to create yet an other account somewhere, and you'll be able to trust the uploader since his identity is preserved from here)
- A simple comment system (more or less like the pandora repo's system)
- A focus on apps instead of packages files
- Anyone can upload screenshots
- Open-source, so anyone can contribute
Everything else. This is the very early days of the repo. Only the minimum features are there.
Planned :
- Display download count (already stored though)
- Search/filter/order by download count
- Some candy features for maintainers
- Redo these lists
- Your idea here... well if I like it, or if you code it
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