Still Fresh
Hi everyone nice to join you all, got my :gp2x (F-200) yesterday as a gift and I love it
So anyway to cut to the chase I tried Chaos Engine on the latest uae4allgp2x and I'm having a minor problem in going diagonal, UP-LEFT and UP-RIGHT work fine its just DOWN-LEFT and DOWN-RIGHT that don't seem to work. I'm assuming it has the same issue with other games but I haven't tested them yet.
Thanks for any help in advance.
So anyway to cut to the chase I tried Chaos Engine on the latest uae4allgp2x and I'm having a minor problem in going diagonal, UP-LEFT and UP-RIGHT work fine its just DOWN-LEFT and DOWN-RIGHT that don't seem to work. I'm assuming it has the same issue with other games but I haven't tested them yet.
Thanks for any help in advance.