Crysis 2


Nov 24, 2010
I just recived my copy of Crysis 2 for PS3, and I've waited a year for this game. Loved the first one, how it was made, nano suit, story and it was pretty different than other FPS.

But as I went on my great journy to save the humanity, I noticed, isn't this a tad easy?

In Crysis you have a nano suit (For you who haven't heard about or played this game), that have several functions that improve the player. Armor, Cloak, Strenght and speed.

So here's the problem, we get so much freedom in this game that you can play this either easy or a bit more challenging. You can either;

A ) Sneak past enemy with cloak

B ) Charge head-on with the armor and pray there isn't a heavy around the corner.

I'm a cloak-type of player, and from the start and 3 hours in the game, I just sneak past everyone. I play on Veteran difficulty (Hard), and if you are a stealth-type of player. The difficulty haven't anything to do in the game.

But later on, I learned to combine Armor and Cloak and now I find the game pretty awesome!

In conclusion, the game only get's hard if you want to.
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A lot of modern games are seeming to go into the "difficulty optional" design, and I think it's trash. The player is only entitled to play through to the end of the game when he's proven his skill as the player. Games have been getting progressively easier, but thanks to studios like Treasure, SNK, and Atlus, there are still some tough games out there.
Just completed the game, all I can say is I'm a bit dissapointed indeed. The story was great (7/9) and gameplay was pretty easy but still fun.
I didn't get into the first one because I can't stand the constant swearing and turn off the voice but then I had no idea what the heck was going on. It was pretty though.

If it is a FPS chances are you'll have a lot better time playing it on a PC, consoles are for kids who don't have basic computer knowledge to assemble their own rig to max out the game experience.
If it is a FPS chances are you'll have a lot better time playing it on a PC, consoles are for kids who don't have basic computer knowledge to assemble their own rig to max out the game experience.

But I LIKE GoldenEye. :angry:
If it is a FPS chances are you'll have a lot better time playing it on a PC, consoles are for kids who don't have basic computer knowledge to assemble their own rig to max out the game experience.

But I LIKE GoldenEye. :angry:
Golden Eye is not on PC, Crysis 2 is. When the game is on PC it should probably be played there, especially if it is a FPS. I like consoles for CONSOLE GAMES, not PC games.
Nope, consoles are for the ones that don't want to spend 300€ on a new graphic card every 3 month because the new game can't be played with full details with their old one.

I built all my computers myself (excepted laptops
) since I was 12 years old and I'm currently studying programming (C, C++ and java). So I think my knowledge is better than just "basic". But I still enjoy having a console that just works without tweaking, where you just plug the game and it works. (sadly with the latest consoles, it's becoming more and more like on a PC : long installation and constant updates

That said, I agree that FPS is usually better with a keyboard and a mouse.
or a wiimote, the wiimote is used very nicely in goof FPS
^Still have to try it, I mostly own platform and adventure games on the Wii (muramasa, zelda, lost winds, ôkami).

Does Metroid Trilogy qualifies as a FPS, on the Wii?
metroid trilogy/corruption is a great example of how well wiimote works in fps, btw, Lost Winds is an amazing game, both first and second, and excellent use of wiimote as well
A lot of modern games are seeming to go into the "difficulty optional" design, and I think it's trash. The player is only entitled to play through to the end of the game when he's proven his skill as the player. Games have been getting progressively easier, but thanks to studios like Treasure, SNK, and Atlus, there are still some tough games out there.

I disagree there. I play a game to enjoy the storyline, not to get frustrated butting my head against a wall because my reactions aren't quick enough to get through a particular section. Games haven't been about skill levels since the days of the 16bits - now it's all graphics and story, with very little gameplay. To that end, I like my modern games set on the most ridiculously easy setting so I can stroll through and admire the scenery.

if you think these high tech games these days arent about skill level, then you havent played them online
if you think these high tech games these days arent about skill level, then you havent played them online

That's the point - I have. They still look fine, but everything moves way too fast - people bouncing around here and there, and there's just no time to stop and look at the scenery, to enjoy a story. I don't really find multiplayer that much of a challenge - more a chore, and it's very dull just walking around shooting people for no more reason than to be able to say that "I've managed to shoot X number of people, go me".

I'm afraid I must be terribly out of touch with modern gaming. I'm off back to my nice game of Dead Space 2. On easy.

if you think these high tech games these days arent about skill level, then you havent played them online
But you're outlining the exact problem - the only challenge present is from playing other real people. :p This is a far cry from actually getting something for your money.
it may not be what many/most of the people in this community want, but theres loads of proof that a lot of people are getting their monies worth as they obviously keep coming back an buying more COD, and multiplayer has become one of the main points for developers of big games