arr matey?
I did a port of Crimson Fields, a turn-based tactical war game by Jens Granseuer. It can be played against a human opponent in hot-seat mode (pass the Pandora to the left hand side), play-by-mail, or against the computer (network unverified). It can also load Battle Isle maps (converted), see the quote at the bottom.
Apps: My link
It Runs fullscreen, font size optimised, nand write free and PND packaged ofcourse.
I looked at the controls, pretty much everything is settable or adjustable in options->keybindings, and now it nicely saves to appdata for the next time you play.
No idea if the network multiplayer version runs, as my pandora is not connected, but everything seemed to compile just fine. So feedback on that very welcome
Play by mail just creates a password locked .sav file that you can, yes indeed, mail, and place in appdata/crimson/games to play on.
If you want to add levels, the game creates a crimson folder in pandora/appdata the first time it runs. Create a folder named levels in the crimson folder, and place your levels there. So: SDCARD/pandora/appdata/crimson/levels/YOURLEVEL.src
And finally about the Battle Isle Maps, i might take a look at the conversion tools for the Pandora soon, but you could just download a windows or linux pc version, convert them on pc, and copy to Pandora.
Non-Pandora Screenshot:
I did a port of Crimson Fields, a turn-based tactical war game by Jens Granseuer. It can be played against a human opponent in hot-seat mode (pass the Pandora to the left hand side), play-by-mail, or against the computer (network unverified). It can also load Battle Isle maps (converted), see the quote at the bottom.
Apps: My link
It Runs fullscreen, font size optimised, nand write free and PND packaged ofcourse.
I looked at the controls, pretty much everything is settable or adjustable in options->keybindings, and now it nicely saves to appdata for the next time you play.
No idea if the network multiplayer version runs, as my pandora is not connected, but everything seemed to compile just fine. So feedback on that very welcome
If you want to add levels, the game creates a crimson folder in pandora/appdata the first time it runs. Create a folder named levels in the crimson folder, and place your levels there. So: SDCARD/pandora/appdata/crimson/levels/YOURLEVEL.src
And finally about the Battle Isle Maps, i might take a look at the conversion tools for the Pandora soon, but you could just download a windows or linux pc version, convert them on pc, and copy to Pandora.
2) every search I did on crimson fields tells me that there are tools to convert battle isle maps into crimson fields maps that can be played. Has anyone ever done that, and are those maps available anywhere?
Besides the game itself, Crimson Fields comes with a graphical map editor "comet", a Battle Isle to Crimson Fields map conversion tool "bi2cf" and a map compiler "cfed". At least in the .deb I got from Ubuntu repositories these tools were included.
I gave it a quick try and converting maps from BI to CF seems to work quite well.
Assuming that you have your BI maps in a subdirectory called MAP, do a
bi2cf 01 -p 1 -f b -d MAP
to convert BI map number 01 into a one-player CF map. From the resulting map source file (extension .src) you can then compile a CF level file (extension .lev) by doing
cfed BI-01.src --tiles /usr/share/games/crimson/default.tiles --units /usr/share/games/crimson/default.units
Just put the resulting .lev file into $HOME/.crimson/levels and the new level will automatically show up the next time your restart the game.
For more details on bi2cf and cfed see also
e.g. the first map from BI 1 looks like this in CF
Click this bar to view the full image.
If required you can also rework the converted BI maps with the "comet" map editor - just load the .lev file into the editor. Of course with comet you can also create new maps from scratch.
Non-Pandora Screenshot:
