With all due respect - this is not really an "update". I'll illustrate below:
Sorry about this slow credit card reorder process, please don't get angry at us as we can only move at the pace of the bank who started all this mess (and probably wish they had not done it now).
We want the make sure ALL card orders are refunded before we put up the reorder pages, and the reorder pages will probably go in batches, ie UK first, then euro then the rest of the world to avoid any server issues.
Please try to be patient and not give us a hard time (believe me the bank situation is a nightmare enough).
This is simply a plea for people to be patient with blame thrown to the banks for the debacle. I'm not stating that this is not necessarily true - just that this has been said before. Including the part about the credit card ordering being done "zone by zone", though this is a
probably and we were led to believe a week ago that the only reason the page was not up was a busted laptop...
Also please don't request charge backs - this only leads the bank to believe they were 'right' to do this and weakens our argument that there were wrong - they have also told us they plan to charge us $38 for every charge back they receive just to kick us while we are down due to their actions.
Again, another plea. Again something Chip has informed us of. And again, whilst true - not an update.
They are refunding the orders but they are doing it very slowly, almost in an awkward manner.
Something that we're aware of from other posters (who have been refunded) and Chip's posts. And if it's an "update" that refunds were going through (slowly or otherwise) - the reader has not been on these forums at all, and is likely not to be here now
Please try to work with us though this, it is the last step in a long project and we have worked past so many other major issues put in our place in the last two years - we just need your help to knock this one down too - and don't worry I'm keeping a diary of all the interesting attempts to try to derail the Pandora project and will post them soon.
Another plea - no real information at all.
Also remember that you won't lose your place in the queue and work continues full time while all this is happening - there are some very nice announcements coming up in regards to the drivers for the Pandora 3d, dsp, video in the next few weeks too which will again make the Pandora even faster and more complete.
If you liked Skeezixs Pandora benchmarks vs. other handhelds and thought they were impressive, well, prepare to turn it up to 11.
Reminder of existing knowledge (place in queue kept) and promise of further updates... though not in this post.
For the record, this post is not directed at Craig. Honestly, he needed to make an appearance if only to calm us unsettled masses (yes, I admit to being one of the unsettled ones). I am not worried that it was not an update (though that would be desired, it's not necessary)
However, there are people already thanking Craig for this "update" when it is no such thing. This post will also be pointed to when others complain about a lack of updates - when the complaint is valid. This is basically a "look we're here" post with no new information... the updates mentioned for the future might have new information, but this doesn't