Crap!, Crap!, Crap!, Crap!, Crap!


Dance Pac-man. DANCE!!!!
Mar 10, 2004
sunbury, victoria, australia
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ok i was putting a hell of alot of nes roms (bout 700) on my gp32, and while that was happening my gp32 ran out of batteries :( . now when i turn it on it freezes at the gp32 logo. i am running euro firmware(not the most recebt 1). will i have to buy 1 of those j-tag cable tings to fix it?
Try a different SMC card. If you have a SMC Reader/Writer, run Scandisk on the SMC card (in that order). If you still have problems, use the Reader/Writer to reformat the SMC card.

Edit: Do not run Defrag.
dont worry people false alarm? i left my gp32_console on at the title screen for a couple of minutes and it eventually went to the game/pc-link screen ok thnx for the help, im reformatting my smc fight now!

damn that scared th sit out of me, i didnt want to spen money getting it repaird, but now ill have to buy new pants.
Sounds like your SMC might be corrupted but that has nothing to do with the FIRMWARE. What happens if you turn on your GP32 WITHOUT inserting the SMC?

You should

1) turn on your GP32 without the SMC
2) once it boots up fine, insert the SMC
3) connect to pc link
4) format the smc

Hope that helps.

So it was a close call. lucky you :P

That's the problem with batteries, they can die at any moment.

I always use a 3v adaptor while up or downloading .
(bought it for 6euro (i guess 7 us dollars)
i have 1 of those multi voltage adapters whitch lets u change the end bit of the cord, but i dont have a "head" that is a perfect fit. i have 1 that fits but its a bit loose. will it fit?
I don't think that's a good idea, as the loose connector may create a short circuit, if i wuz you i'd save some mony for a new adaptor (OR connector).
Yeah, make sure you get the right adaptor. With, say, the wrong polarity, the GP32 is said to start to smoke. In a very litteral sense. Though if you're sure the settings are right, then you shouldn't have a problem using it. Just don't let it slip out when the SMC is being written to...
Yeah, make sure you get the right adaptor. With, say, the wrong polarity, the GP32 is said to start to smoke. In a very litteral sense. Though if you're sure the settings are right, then you shouldn't have a problem using it. Just don't let it slip out when the SMC is being written to...
Yes smoking from your GP32 is very bad. You see, it has been said that smoke makes the chips inside work, when you let the smoke out they don't work any more :D
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GeneralNMX: STOP telling people to defrag their SMC! It is not necessary, because defragging makes no difference on a solid-state medium, and if you knew how data is stored on a SMC, you'd know it does nothing to make the data more organised.

All you will achieve by defragging your SMC is (a lot of) extra wear, which shortens the life of the card, and a chance of screwing up the data on the card.


Have I made that quite clear? :)
GeneralNMX: STOP telling people to defrag their SMC! It is not necessary, because defragging makes no difference on a solid-state medium, and if you knew how data is stored on a SMC, you'd know it does nothing to make the data more organised.

All you will achieve by defragging your SMC is (a lot of) extra wear, which shortens the life of the card, and a chance of screwing up the data on the card.


Have I made that quite clear? :)
So what your saying is basically, if I defrag my card numerous wonderful thing would hppen
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i have an multi voltage adaptor thing that has a head thats a little small but if you just tape it in it works. But it gets all sticky and starts to piss you off so i got rechargable batteries instead :D
No stranger to computers. But new to the gp32 scene - Received one three days ago.

Since then I've swapped out my rechargeables maybe 5 times.

I've never seen anything rip through batteries like this puppy.

The batteries had hardly been used, just in a wireless mouse and never recharged until now. So it's not like the batteries are starting to lose their chargeability.

Further 90% of my transfers are done using a smc reader/writer...IMHO there is no way this thing could be practical with standard batteries.

GeneralNMX: STOP telling people to defrag their SMC! It is not necessary, because defragging makes no difference on a solid-state medium, and if you knew how data is stored on a SMC, you'd know it does nothing to make the data more organised.

All you will achieve by defragging your SMC is (a lot of) extra wear, which shortens the life of the card, and a chance of screwing up the data on the card.


Have I made that quite clear? :)
Basically, what he's trying to say is that the reason for defragging making HDs go faster is that the head doesn;t have to move around as much to read the files. With a solid-state medium such as SMCs, there is no moving parts, so getting a file from one area or several causes the same amount of bytes to be read, in the same amount of time, as there is no 'head' to have to move.
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