Certified Guru
CACK beta 1 released. Download from http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,20,1973
CACK is (or will be) a constuction kit for crap little adventure games. Think Dizzy style gameplay (pick up object, use object etc) with Zelda style top down view. Beta 1 is just a release of the player (editor hasn't been started yet), but you can still use it to create games if you don't mind doing a bit of manual editing of xml and writing map data. Included in the zip are gp2x and windows binaries. The dlls are for windows only, so you don't need to copy them to your sd card.
I'll write more about the structure of the various files later when I'm not at work, but basically if you want to try creating a game just copy the demo folder, edit the xml and ini files (most stuff makes sense and I've commented the xml), create your maps (top main block is object ids, last few shorter lines are trigger points (x,y,action id)) and create your graphics. You can launch new games by calling 'cack-player.gpe -game gamename' (cack-player.exe for windows obviously).
Edit: More documentation now at http://gp2x.sector808.org/cack.php