Internal Development
Heres an _anecdone_ (by no means an example of a trend, just an isolated case). Aside from being good-usage or bad-usage, sometimes its just great for pure optimization; sometimes when you do edge case optimization, you break the rules of good taste. (Often 
ie: I was working on a CPU emu core (for cinematronics in fact), based on reference assembly from the amazing Zonn. (My core eventually got donated to MAME, and then I think Aaron came along and rewrote it to be more clear and less evil
Anyway --
This was back at the time when machines were very slow (none of this Ghz business) so it needed to perform very fast; I think this was Pentium1 days so 60Mhz was not uncommon. Writing it in a sane fashion made it useless, but I chose to write it as a pure dstate machine in one function, with gotos. There was no function calls or looping or the like .. it was all switch/goto (if was too slow).
I made it not too ugly through use of lots of #define macros (and at one point a preprocessor to emit the code from a set of config files), but even then.. the resulting code was not _that_ ugly, and it was _extremely fast_. Function call overhead was too much, if-state,ment overhead was too much
So I'm a fan of good-usage, but sometimes you need to go low level .. without resorting to pure-ASM since I wanted to support multiple chips, etc.
Try explaining this to someone using a rich interpreted or VM'd language 5 layers removed, running on a multi-ghz multi-core machine
ie: I was working on a CPU emu core (for cinematronics in fact), based on reference assembly from the amazing Zonn. (My core eventually got donated to MAME, and then I think Aaron came along and rewrote it to be more clear and less evil
This was back at the time when machines were very slow (none of this Ghz business) so it needed to perform very fast; I think this was Pentium1 days so 60Mhz was not uncommon. Writing it in a sane fashion made it useless, but I chose to write it as a pure dstate machine in one function, with gotos. There was no function calls or looping or the like .. it was all switch/goto (if was too slow).
I made it not too ugly through use of lots of #define macros (and at one point a preprocessor to emit the code from a set of config files), but even then.. the resulting code was not _that_ ugly, and it was _extremely fast_. Function call overhead was too much, if-state,ment overhead was too much
So I'm a fan of good-usage, but sometimes you need to go low level .. without resorting to pure-ASM since I wanted to support multiple chips, etc.
Try explaining this to someone using a rich interpreted or VM'd language 5 layers removed, running on a multi-ghz multi-core machine