Cradle S Video?

May 13, 2008
Bernie Sanders' Land
hey all,

Trying to get some video games going on this new monitor.

Why wont it work?

I checked cable. It displays a black screen.
I hook up the GP2x to the cradle. Go into settings, confuse the USB to recognize the joystick. Change it to TV out and get a black screen on the GP2X & monitor as well.

Please advise!


If the screen on the gp2x is black that means it the gp2x is outputting video, it could be a problem with the board the software the screen, or the gp2x itself.

1. Check all the usb ports and RL sound ports, don't worry about any of the other ports, if the board is messed up then the usb ports will most likely be messed up as well

2. If you firmware is out of date then upgrade if your willing

3. If your firmware is up to date and it's a software problem then your stuck.

4. As for checking to see if it's the gp2x hardware that is kind of hard if you don't have just the gp2x AV cable.

5. Try it with another screen if you have one

6. Make sure you are on the right input on the screen you'd be surprised how confusing the av setup can be if there is more than one s-video port.
scienceman91 said:
If the screen on the gp2x is black that means it the gp2x is outputting video, it could be a problem with the board the software the screen, or the gp2x itself.

1. Check all the usb ports and RL sound ports, don't worry about any of the other ports, if the board is messed up then the usb ports will most likely be messed up as well

2. If you firmware is out of date then upgrade if your willing

3. If your firmware is up to date and it's a software problem then your stuck.

4. As for checking to see if it's the gp2x hardware that is kind of hard if you don't have just the gp2x AV cable.

5. Try it with another screen if you have one

6. Make sure you are on the right input on the screen you'd be surprised how confusing the av setup can be if there is more than one s-video port.
1. Checked ports
2. Firmware 4.1.0 on an OOB F200 flashed to 4.1
3.? Hope Im not stuck.
4. Tried AV cable, that works. Starts 1/2 screen, then upon exiting something it goes full screen. Similar to confusing the joystick.
5. Have tried unit & AV cable on roomates TV, works just like 4 above
6. There is only one S video in, no confusion.

Its something with the cradles S Video I think, but am lost as to a solution.
Edit: Checked my DVd player with S video cable on roommates TV. It works, but will not on the new LCD Chimei either, regular Yellow Video does with DVD. GP2X w/cradle & DVD will not work with S Video, but GP2X with AV cable works (so S Video on LCD is operational) WTF?

Edit3: S Video works somewhat when the GP2X is in the cradle with no power. Just running off AAs. There is interference or something causing some white horizontal junk on the screen.

When I try plugging power supply into GP2X direct while on cradle, no S Video. When on AA power, I wonder if my GP2X is not properly snug on the cradle.

Pandora please!
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What power supply are you using?
It sounds like it is not stabilized, that's why it works with batteries but not with AC Adaptor.
EvilDragon said:
What power supply are you using?
It sounds like it is not stabilized, that's why it works with batteries but not with AC Adaptor.
Radioshack 5v 2A Cat # 273-1696

What do you recommend?


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Well, I'm from Germany, so a link wouldn't help much.

Any AC Power Adaptor with 1,5A+ should work fine - just make sure it is STABILIZED (usually is written somewhere in the description text, often even in the item title).
EvilDragon said:
Well, I'm from Germany, so a link wouldn't help much.

Any AC Power Adaptor with 1,5A+ should work fine - just make sure it is STABILIZED (usually is written somewhere in the description text, often even in the item title).
Talked to a little electronics shop here in Berkeley, the gentleman said it is a 5A 5V Regulated power supply. $14.99, I'm gonna take my cradle with me and go give it a whirl. Fingers crossed!

OFF Topic: Why won't the DVD player work with SVideo to my monitor either?


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EvilDragon said:
Well, I'm from Germany, so a link wouldn't help much.

Any AC Power Adaptor with 1,5A+ should work fine - just make sure it is STABILIZED (usually is written somewhere in the description text, often even in the item title).
Talked to a little electronics shop here in Berkeley, the gentleman said it is a 5A 5V Regulated power supply. $14.99, I'm gonna take my cradle with me and go give it a whirl. Fingers crossed!

OFF Topic: Why won't the DVD player work with SVideo to my monitor either? Edit: RGB composite don't work either!!



EDIT: It worx, the regulated/stabilized power supply for the cradle is now %100 AOK with Svideo into my monitor!

Danke schon EvilDragon
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