cpu speed 500


Active Member
Apr 26, 2011
The system has pre-installed cpu speed 500,isn't that wrong when the specs of the system is startup 600mhz processor,well 500mhz processor can give better battery life.

is there any other app which gives you better processor,my system doesn't go higher than 900mhz processor,some say it can clock to 1000mhz+.

The problem is when i clock to 900mhz it freezes,my system has the original firmware.
Are you also changing the OPP level when you set it to 900 or above?

Yes, eventhough I've set my default to 600mhz, sometimes when I have to hard-reset I find it defaults to 500mhz. Not sure why, but easy to fix.
Fae Minx and Alerino have got you covered here, but I just wanted to note that if your system freezes when you clock to 900MHz, then your Pandora simply cannot go that high. Think of overclocking like a lottery, and as something that can only be considered a bonus - some Pandoras can clock higher than others, due to natural variances in manufacturing.
I just reflashed my pandora and the cpu speed is gone down to 800mhz max,it was second download,this is even worse.

The first download is that higher clock speed if yes how much is it.
besides, you're probably stuck at old firmware voltage level (OPP3), which max speed is 820-880mhz.

Flashing the new firmware image will let you overvolt and overclock (>= 900mhz requires OPP4 at least)
can you give an link for new firmware.
^ I believe he actually does have the latest firmware... Except that with Hotfix 5 the default max cpu speed is 800mhz.

But c'mon! You can *CHANGE* that... explore your settings menu for jimminies sake! Just as Alerino said. :huh:

It doesn't matter what the default is... you go in there and set it to whatever you want! ... Just please remember to change your OPP level to 4 if going over 800mhz... and I suggest changing to OPP 5 if going for 900 - 1000mhz (though you may be able to hit 900mhz on OPP 4).

And need I say - when you are done running whatever program or game that requires you to overclock... set your CPU speed back down to 600mhz, and then go back into your settings and set OPP to 3 again.

Max CPU speed is set to 800mhz by default in Hotfix 5 in an attempt to make overclocking 'newb' safe! ... as for most purposes you don't really need to go any higher than that.
by changing opp 5,i can clock it to 1000mhz,finally i got what i wanted,it made some emulators run really fast,it more like full speed.
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by changing opp 5,i can clock it to 100mhz,finally i got what i wanted,it made some emulators run really fast,it more like full speed.
100 only? :P *jks

By the way, remember PCSX-ReARMed doesn't need much over-clocking as it uses NEON instructions (it's not over-clocking friendly), so the max you will need to oc is about 800.
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i feel special, i can hit 900 on OPP3 B) gets little unstable but doesnt freeze instantaneously.
by changing opp 5,i can clock it to 100mhz,finally i got what i wanted,it made some emulators run really fast,it more like full speed.
100 only? :P *jks

By the way, remember PCSX-ReARMed doesn't need much over-clocking as it uses NEON instructions (it's not over-clocking friendly), so the max you will need to oc is about 800.
sorry for typo;i mean 1000mhz actually i clocked it 1,040 it was totally fast the icons were moving turbo speed apps were very quick and gba and n64 become full speed,it was best experience i have had with pandora console.
What's problem the going over 1000mhz,will it damage processor.

It far to overclocking if you go to 1040mhz,believe me it's alot faster 1000mhz.is better to overclock from the minimenu where you press space bar for menu and has overclock option to increase speed of the app or emulator usage.